So I've been reading e-books on my eeePC over the last month and fell in love with my e-reader program (
FBreader) and .mobi files. The program's so lightweight and opens the last book I was reading and opens to the page I was reading last! And I have a progress bar at the bottom! I'm wary of Kindles and their ilk for a couple of reasons so far: 1. Proprietary formats and lack of support for competitors and 2. I don't own anything I buy - anyone else remember how Amazon
deleted 1984, of all books, off everyone's Kindles? But y'know, I started thinking about how neat it would be to carry fanfic in e-readers. Or computers, for that matter. I could set up a collection of fanworks I like and calalogue them in
Calibre, for example. Does anyone else think this would be...well, kind of awesome?
The resources exist. There's a program that exists that will convert a story to .mobi or I think .txt for you (it's on my external hard drive and I'll look it up when I move) and while looking for the name of the thing I discovered there's a comm devoted to just this topic:
fanfic_ebooks. I'm off to go lurk and find out how far behind the times I am.
Do any of you read ebook fanfic already?