Aug 11, 2020 13:10
So LJ, long time no chat.
I'm not really sure what made me seek you out again, but I'm kind of glad I did there is so much that has changed in my life even since the last entry and so much has changed in 16 years since I started this, which is really really weird to think about. But I started this live journal when I was towards the end of my second senior year at Coastal. I've spent the past couple of days reading back through it and re-experiencing my thoughts and my feelings during that time. Oh Will-- I don't really have words right now-- the stuff that has happened just even the small time on LJ between the two of us. It was kind of nice to go through and see everything that I went through and that time.. You know there are some things that have stayed the same and there's some things that have changed and reading back through this made me remember some things and some people and stuff that I had forgotten about, it's like I wonder if I ever go back and reread this post are there going to be things that from this point forward my LJ 2.0 that I'm going to have forgotten. There seems to be a need for this type of blogging or journaling, I posted on Facebook "Anybody else want to resurrect LJ or is it just me?" and got so much response that yeah let's resurrect LJ. I miss it I miss having a place to go and type my thoughts, or in this case speech to text my thoughts. I love the speech to text thing and I think I'm going to stick around LJ 2.0 instead of talking about "oh my God why am I still single?" this may turn into "omg Why am I not pregnant yet?" To catch you up I got married September 30th 2017 to a wonderful man named Jay. Colby the cat that featured in several of these postings passed away in May of 2012 and I have since acquired new kitty cats. In order of acquisition, Alexander p kitten wandered into my life via a car bumper when I was searching for my first house in July of 2010, so he got to know Colby a little bit - then Charlie came into my life the day after Colby died. I was n't expecting to get another cat so soon but this cute little orange paw like came and popped me when I was going to look at a kitty that looked exactly like Colby. So he became my kitty, then Jay had Senor fluffy toes, AKA Storm, so I got a step kitty when we got married. And then when I was cleaning out that first house to put it on the market this little black critter wandered into the house purring and meowing up a storm,no pun intended, and Dash came into our life. The main thing going on in the world right now is Coronavirus or COVID 19- this virus came crashing into our lives in March of this year 2020 and school shut down. Like you heard a little bit about it January & February but March 13th all the school districts started shutting down and we went into the land of virtual learning...Places shut down, restaurants went to take out only, Gyms closed, movie theaters closed, theaters closed... I was in the middle of rehearsing for Bring It On the Musical at Spring Valley High School and all the sudden we weren't sure we were going to have a show and we ended up not having a show because of coronavirus. Broadway shut down - that was the one that really got me, I knew this was serious when Broadway shut down and Broadway first said they were shutting down until June you know Tony awards and all, then it changed to September 8th the day after labor Day and then in July they came out and said that there would be no Broadway shows until 2021.. well let that sink in for a second no Broadway for 9 months out of 12. It's lunch time All right more later -VJC