Back in ninth grade...

Aug 12, 2009 22:04

In 9th grade--

Who was(were) your best friend(s)?
Monica, Kirstina, Jacob

Did you have a crush on anyone?
Haha. Yeah. I liked this one football player kid and then he opened his mouth. That's when I learned I didn't like stupid people. And uh... I had the hugest crush on Mike. [rolls eyes] Oy!

What sport did you play?
I had just quit sports. :-( Stupid knee & ankle problems.

Did you buy your lunch?
I didn't eat lunch... except for like the first three weeks of school. And maybe the last few months of school.

Did you skip any classes?
Nope! I was a goody goody. :-D

Did you get suspended?
See above. :-)

Were you in any fist fights?
Not IN school. Does that count?

What was your favorite class?
Drama & Tennis. After that was over and Kristina moved- just Drama.

What is your school's name?
William R. Boone High School.

If you could go back would you?
Yes and no. I wish I had some smarter decisions my freshman year that would have landed me in a better place now. However, I do not wish to relieve the pain I went through in high school.

Where did you sit at lunch?
We (Jovanny, Kristina, Jacob, Hood Rat and I) started out on the stair case by the main office. Moved to the Art building. Got kicked out of both places. Then moved to the "G" which was the over hang between the 500 Bldg and the 200 Bldg. WHY DO I STILL REMEMBER THAT?!

Who was your science teacher freshman year?
Mr. Ewing! He was the BOMB!

Who was your English teacher?
Oh crap... I don't remember her name... she was sweet though.

Who was your history teacher?
Ah... Mrs. Unger. I HATED her.

Describe your outfits in ninth grade?
Uh... a variety. :-)

Who was your favorite teacher?
Mr. Ewing.

What action do you regret the most?
Not being more "involved" in Drama and not putting the effort I could have into Algebra 1. Stupid girl.

What did you spend the most time doing on weekends?
Writing... occasionally I'd hang out with Monica or my friends from church.

Did you make any lifelong friendships?
The people who were "life long" friends I had already met. I did meet Melvin, Mike and Ryan though... and (hopefully) they'll be lifelong friendships...

Got invited to any proms?
Nope! I was invited to one a year beforehand though. :-)

How long was this to remember back?
Almost 5 years ago...
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