Meh. I'm a little late with this one. :/
Yeah, so first of all, the writers are getting really smart because they keep starting the episodes with Peter. This is how I started watching this show, people. Mmm.
Um...Alejandro? It's pretty stupid to break into a car right in front of a police man. Just so you know.
Hmm. Maya and Alejandro run...Maya gets away...Alejandro doesn't.... I seem to recall this happening before...
Omg, so I don't even care about DL much at all, but seeing his gravestone and Micah getting at weepy and sad made me want to cry! I do, however find it exceedingly funny that he was the one to get the boot, out of all of the in-mortal-peril-heroes from last season. I mean, Matt got, what, four bullets to the chest? And now he's just dandy and when people mention that he got shot, he's like, "OMG seriously??? NO WAY!" and Peter is just fine except for that whole memory loss thing, but hey he can heal, right? And Nathan kind of blew up, but he's still hanging out, mostly around the bars and liquor joints, but you get the picture. But DL? He gets shot once in the ribs, walks around and stands up straight, and DIES??? Yeah. Logical.
Ooooh. Candace. So that's why no one noticed poor bleeding Sylar being dragged away last season. That makes a lot more sense....
Hee. Glee at the title placement. :]
The Bennets = ownage. It's just the truth.
HRG doesn't beat around the bush, now, does he? "DEATH AND DESTRUCTION! Love you."
OMG West is so ANNOYING! Why can't he just leave poor Claire alone? I want to throw him down a well. But then he'd just fly up again and it wouldn't do much damage. Grr.
So, uh, is Matt a little bipolar? If you recall, dear, last season you were like "GRR BRING COMPANY DOWN!" and now you're all like "NO SPY WORKINGS! MUST TAKE CARE OF CHILD!" Which is a worthy cause and everything, but, um...make up your mind. Okay, love you.
Hahahahah Mohinder's a professor, not 007. However, in last season's finale he was leaping into action at every available moment to tend to the wounded with his genetics professor's vast knowledge of gunshot wounds. Maybe he's 005. Like James Bond, only not as intense.
MoMo aww! I adore Molly and Mohinder! But, Mohinder promised her he'd never leave again? That's an empty promise if I've ever heard one. Really, Mo, you should say "I'm not leaving until I'm called away on business." or "I'm not leaving until Matt tries to kick me out, even though it's my apartment, but I think he could beat me up." Don't say things like "never" to adorable little girls like Molly. Their pouts make it impossible to break your promises.
Poor Ando with his boring job and his ugly boss. But HOORAY Hiro wrote him letters!
And then Peter stands in a room, sans shirt, trying to activate his spidey sense. "Go, web! Flyyyy!" Silly Peter, it's the "I love you" sign laid flat.
And he keeps wearing flannel shirts that don't belong to him in various hues. How many flannel shirts does one Burly Irish Man own?
OMG, choose your subject! You can't keep jumping around science like this! "Now that we've learned about Darwin, bunsen burners, and lizard genetics, let's take a look at mitosis!" No wonder he wasn't surprised when two of his students just stood up and left.
Okay. West is still annoying...but he's kind of funny too.
Kensei's emooooo. He cuts himself and hides from the world.
Exasperated, eye-rolly Hiro is pure ownage! PURE OWNAGE, I TELL YOU!
Kensei + Hiro + Kensei's helmet = made of awesome. I'm just saying.
And now we have a little Superman moment between West and Claire, who then decides that it really doesn't matter that he's made her high school life a living hell thus far, as long as he has super powers, he's cool in her books. Does this mean that if Sylar came by and made her a living snowglobe like he did his mom, she would smile at him and say "Here, Sylar, for that I give you my brain!" For shame, Claire. Beware fickle friends!
Peter in that hat = bizarre. It's just so not him. The whole first part of the scene was like, deleted moments of Gilmore Girls. Jess? Is that you?
However, the end of that scene proved yet again that Peter is made of awesome. He just is.
Did they remove cold, dead Isaac's corpse yet? Because I kept getting visions of Mohinder slipping on his blood and going crashing to the floor, screaming in fear and disgust, and Bob standing over him, rolling his eyes and sighing.
Who is this random relative of Micah's and why do I keep expecting her to burst into song? She can't be his grandmother, because we already met DL's mom early last season. Weird....
Maya and Alejandro confuse and frustrate me. What on earth are their powers? This is just so bizarre.
PETER GOT SHOT! MY PETER GOT SHOT! Even though I know he can regenerate, I screamed and wanted to cry when my poor Peter got shot! I love him!
Woah! Peter = Sylar??? Ahh! Sylar Face! Sylar Face! This is beyond scary!
Lol. Hiro is Jiminy Cricket to Kensei's Pinocchio.
Carp? AW! Kensei has a Hiro nickname! Totally adorable. I can't even begin to describe the glee I feel in this. CARP!
Hiro's staying? Yay because that means more Kensei/David Anders, but boo because that means Ando is still alone. Hiro - Ando = < cool < Hiro + Ando. Solve for cool.
I don't like Michelle nearly as much as I liked Candace. Boo. She's not as cool, and she's uglier, and she's weirder, and she's...really slutty. That scene is just disturbing on so many levels.
Slyar ≠ Peter. Thank goodness. This isn't as creepy as I was worried it would be. Yes, I love how the fact that Sylar did kill Michelle put my mind at ease.
Ew he's got blooood and braaaaains on his hands. What does he do with those brains? Do I even want to know? And why can't he use his powers? He's stuck in the middle of the woods! My poor Sylar!!!
Hmm. This season seems to have a running theme of shirtless or semi-shirtless men. And I'm not complaining....
Um, yeah, that tattoo's not gonna last. He can heal himself. Duh.
But his crooked mouth makes it all worthwhile! Oh my lanta, I love his crooked mouth!
Hah, I can just imagine Peter's reaction to being proclaimed part of this "family". "Oh joy. I'm in the Irish Mafia now. Let's all get matching flannel shirts, shall we?"
Peterrrrr! Open the freaking box! Nathan needs you!!! He's all angsty and emo and drunk without you! And a small animal is devouring his face! Go help your brother, you idiot! You're not a bad guy, you're a freaking idealist, and you'd know that if you OPENED THE BOX! Gah. They're just going to drag this out as long as possible, aren't they? Bad form, Tim Kring.
Caitlin and Peter? Meh. Not sure how I feel about this. They don't even know each other and they're snogging over his Identity Box which he refuses to open.
Oh, BOY, this boy needs Claude! I desperately want Claude to show up randomly and be like "What are you doing, friend? Why are you kissing this girl? No attachments, remember? And where did all your hair go? What do you mean, you can't remember how to use your powers? I spend all that time teaching you and you've just gone and forgotten it all? Well, let me teach you again! *clobbers Peter with teaching stick*" Come on, Claude, where are you when we need you the most???
But the tattoo changing to the Godsend symbol pretty much owned and almost made up for the lack of Claude. Not quite.
They're...hurting each other...on a beach. Hmm. The masochist and the sadist. How perfectly romantic?
Wouldn't the Haitian in all his awesomeness erase the part of West's memory that remembered HRG at all? Getting a liiitle sloppy, there, unnamed friend of awesomeness.
Dude, Claire KNOWS this about her dad! She KNOWS he did bad things before, WHY is she getting all angsty about this NOW? Does she not remember Company Man??? I mean, we went through this all last season, can we PLEASE stop revisiting this whole Claire-hates-her-daddy thing please? She is the suckiest Daddy's Girl I've ever seen. With Claire and HRG it's basically united they stand, divided they DIE!
NO!!!! NOT MY NOAH BENNET! HE MUST NOT DIE! I refuse to let him die! Death for Noah Bennet means death for ALL!
Claireeee! You aggravate me so with your unnecessary daddy-hatingness. I mean, where are your loyalties? Obviously with the guy who belittled and tortured you and not with the man who raised you and sacrificed basically everything to keep you safe.
I don't know if I like West very much. I mean he's pretty adorable sometimes, but he just seems too...Gabriel Grey. I predict he will be a villain. Just throwing that out there.
PREVIEW! Poor Molly. But YAY for Nathan removing his small animal!!! -happy dance-
Overall, not my favorite episode. It was good, but the first two kind of killed me with their awesomeness. This was made me wish Claude would come and beat everyone over the head with the teaching stick, except Bennet, whom he would save by beating people over the head with the teaching stick.
I promise, icons are coming soon, I just want to finish the set before I post them.