Mmm. Peter is so gorgeous even in his bloody beat-up-ness. I mean I probably should be feeling some remorse for the poor guy because they're beating the snot out of him, but all I can think is that he is so gorgeous. I think I'm going to like this episode...
Poor Noah and his non-crazy-company life. He's so bored. He needs a hobby. Like baseball. Or hunting. Taking the Company down seems like a good one, too.
I oficially love the Bennets.
Sandra: "Oh no! My ring!"
Claire: "Here, mom, I will save you!"
Sandra: "Don't be so dramatic."
Claire: "But I want to be!"
Noah: "We're in hiding."
Claire: "Yeah, but it's boring."
Noah: "You think I don't know that?"
Claire: "Oh! I forgot about your former hero-hunting days! Duh!"
Noah: "That's okay. I love you."
Claire: "I love you too." *leaves*
Sandra: *newspaper*
Noah: "Uh oh."
Sandra: "NO SECRETS!"
Noah: "ISAAC!"
Yeah. Bennets > the world.
Hehe. Kensei is a scary white man. And don't think I didn't catch that symbolism when the horse's butt moved to reveal Kensei.
Drunk Kensei is amazing!
Hiro: "Save Yaeko!"
Kensei: "Who?"
Kensei: "Hehe. Fish."
Hiro: *flails*
Kensei: *drowns*
And I really need to stop making offhand comments that come true, because I definitely called that Hiro would dress like Kensei and be all heroic and Hiro-y. Maybe I'm becoming precognitive. That would be cool.
Aw, Hiro! "Yahooooo!" I LOVE YOU!
Omg, WHAT SCIENCE CLASS ARE YOU TEACHING, CRAZY SCIENCE TEACHER MAN!!! Last week you had bunsen burners, which is chem; and Darwin, which is bio; and this week you have GENETICS??? If they don't decide what class they're in soon, I may have to throw a biology book at my television. Perhaps it will knock some sense into that Science ADD teacher of theirs.
I'm sorry, Caitlin. Prettier yesterday? I mean sure, he's beat up, but are you LOOKING at him??? Because every time I do, I melt a little and by the end of this episode I'm pretty sure I'm going to need to get mopped off the floor.
McSorley: Linderman 2.0 - new look, same great evil.
And no matter how much his hair has changed, Peter is still Peter.
Peter: "I think the lightning came from me!"
Caitlin: "That's crazy."
Peter: "Yeah, I know. But I think it came from me!"
reminds me a lot of...
Peter: "I think I can fly!"
Nathan: "That's crazy."
Peter: "Yeah, I know. But I think I can fly!"
Mohinder speaking French, or Creole or whatever that was (I took Spanish, I know like 3 words in French), pretty much owns me. I probably should find it less funny than I did. But the concept that the Indian boy was speaking French just made me giggle. A lot.
I also am a little in love with Mohinder's fluctuating vocal tones. His voice seems to jump octaves every few episodes.
Yaeko with her flaily swordfighting pretty much rocks, but Hiro with his great deeds of heroism and his waggly finger and his speaking of his own name and his history book suggestions rocks all the more!
Peter totally has DL's power! Oh, how that excites me! He didn't even meet, DL, he was just like 50 feet away from him. Does that mean he can talk to computers and find people with his mind now too???
AWESOME fight scene! It's settled. Peter owns me. I'll ship myself out to him right now. I love how he runs back to save her even though he should be making a break for it. That makes me happy. And then he comes in and beats the CRAP out of those nasties! He's like "Okay, lightning! Good, that worked. Uh oh, 'nother one. Hey, I wonder if I could throw his gun into the wall with my brain? I can? Cool! Now I should punch him. HE WENT INTO THE WALL TOO!!!" Yeah, Peter's just awesome. He doesn't even have to try. Even he thinks he's awesome.
I also quite enjoy his new outlook on life and his power. S1!Peter knew what he was doing and was kind of freaking out about it. S2!Peter has no idea who he is, but he thinks what he can do is pretty cool, not freaky. Oh yeah, he's a keeper.
I can't decide if West is cute and nerdy and cute, or if he's totally creepy and wierd. I'm torn.
Yaeko says that Heaven has already sent her what she most desires, and I thought it was a husband, so then I was like "Woah, now, going a little fast!" But then it wasn't. Okay.
Poor Hiro! He needs to fall for a girl who isn't destined to be dead when he gets back to the present. I am sad for poor Hiro.
Wouldn't Yaeko notice the height differences between Hiro and Kensei? Just saying.
Yay Haitian! He is back! I am happy!
New Morally Grey Midas Man reminds me of Vizzini from The Princess Bride. I expected the scene between him and Mo in Haiti to go like this:
Bob: "Never go up against a Haitian when death is on the line!"
Mo: "Isn't he in Haiti?"
Bob: "We're in Haiti!"
Mo: "Seriously?"
Bob: "Inconceivable!"
Somehow I think this car thing is going to come back and bite Claire in the butt. Probably hard. Good thing she can heal herself.
Ew! Gross! TMI, Mama, TMI!!! I REALLY don't want to know who you have and have not slept with! Ew! I'm gonna have nightmares now.
And then she screams like a deranged person at Matt from inside her head. I think Matt's going to have even more nightmares about this particular encounter.
And then Matt goes outside and talks to Nathan and his small animal, as Nathan asks him if he's ever been to Camp Wasahowie and Matt replies with "No, but I was in Texas when you came to pick your brother up from jail and then he comatosed, and I was also in Kirby Plaza when you flew up in the air and exploded four months ago, but you may not remember that. By the way, how's your small animal? I see it's eating your face." And the small animal responds in its small animal voice, "Yes, his chin is very tasty."
And now Mama's being attacked by....what? The voices in her head? This is a new twist on things...
But aw, Nathan still comforts her even though he told her she was evil. Which she is. But it's good of Nathan to comfort her anyway because he's her son, and that's what good sons do.
Peter looks rather small in that shirt. But I think that's because he stole it from Burly Irish Man, who, by the way, comes in and doesn't seem to mind.
Peter's puppy faces! I love them so! He's all "Peter? My name is Peter?" and I squee like a crazy person because his face is just so darn CUTE and AMAZING! And I LOVE HIM!
Lol. Yaeko's a fangirl.
Ahh! The evil bandit men popped out of the ground like daisies! And then they shot Kensei! BUT HE'S LIKE CLAIRE! Maybe he's an ancient Petrelli. Jeez, everyone's connected to the Petrellis!
Hiro's face owns me! When he's looking all happy at Kensei, I can't help but -glee- at the sight of it!
Aw, Matt fell asleep next to Molly to protect her from the bad dreams. Is cute. And then Mohinder walks in! And I'm going, "Wake up, Molly, your daddy's home!" But she doesn't. Instead, Mo calls Noah and I -joy- at the two of them being all sneaky and plan-filled together (you mean, Mohinder's memory wasn't erased? He just pretended? He's being SMART? Yay!).
HRG and the Haitian are back! I am so filled with joy about this! Yay!
As soon as Claire looked at her toe I started screaming, "NO, CLAIRE, NO! DON'T DO IT! DON'T DO IT!" And then she did it! Ahh! And her toe flew through the air! Gross.
WEST! Okay, I think he's insanely creepy, although I still haven't made up my mind about that. But if I were Claire I would've been way more freaked out to see him outside the window. Not only because he's learned her secret, but he's FREAKING OUTSIDE HER WINDOW IN THE DARK OF NIGHT!!! CREEPY!!!
Mr. Muggles' jump steals the show. But, ew, Claire's toe is still on her living room floor!