Jan 12, 2008 11:37
Guest poster Jen here.
There has been some excitement and progress on the baby front this morning, but still no baby yet. This morning Jenny had some yellowish/brown coloration and possibly some blood in the fluid she was leaking, so they went back to the birth center.
She just called at 11:15 am and said the baby looked fine on the ultrasound and the midwives believe it's probably more bloody show. There might be a small amount of meconium in the amniotic fluid but it's not enough to be concerned about and is not affecting the baby. They have sent her home again. The best news is that she is 4 cm dilated so the midwives are optimistic that things may get moving soon.
They got a lot of support from the midwives and a homeopathic practicioner at the birth center so are feeling ok at the moment. J & E have come home to rest, eat, and do a lot of walking around to get things going.
Additional updates will be provided as I get them. If you don't see a new post, you may want to check the comments for news.