Sep 30, 2007 17:38
hmm...My manager thru balloons at me while I was on bar, and told me I was partner of the month, which is cool.
um...I barely get days off...actually next next sunday is my first real day off in 3 weeks, but i need the money.
Classes are awesome....Made pastels, making charcoal tomorrow....oh and I got 90% on my political Science test, which rocks.
hmmm...oh yeah and my manager is sending my to learning coach training for work, apparently she likes how I work with ppl.
hmm, that was all last week.
This week, I found out, PROMOTION! to Shift Supervisor, I have a little interview to pass first....But how cool....a raise and more hours!
hmm...caitlin and I are doing SHITTY! (lol, my caitlin, not cool kick ass Caitlin from LJ :P)
um, Met a new girl at work, ahe is HILARIOUS!....she keeps telling me to change shifts to work with her, and yesterday she brought me a rainbow bracelet, how sweet.
Luke at work surprised me with a ticket to Tegan and Sara's concert in December, I'm stoked! its in Berkely.
and um, well friday night my Doggie died from a heart attack blood clot thing, and it sucked hardcore.