Sep 24, 2007 18:25
It truely saddens me how ppl believe they hold the power to place judgements on others, expecially when, they themselves have much deeper issues they should worry about.
I guess if my family paid for everything I wanted, I'd be spoiled and selfish enough to judge others the same way.
I'm truely disgusted int he attacks lena has placed upon me, upon her other ex and upon my best friend, and the lengths of embelishment she is willing to go, to make herself feel vaildated in her cruel actions.
If we wanna talk about grown ups, and being responisble and what not, then one wouldn't read other peoples journals, as well and to leave nasty judgemental comments.
at frist I was angery, as I'm sure that was her intent, but now, I feel deeply sorry for her, to say such cruel words to ppl that she claims mean nothing to her, myself and her other ex, only shows she must be holding onto something, she may never get over.
I am proud of the relationships and ppl I have met in the last two years, I have grown as a person, and met some amazing ppl. I won't ever regret that.
I hope one day, u'll get over urself, and stop wasting time belittling other ppl.
ur views of ppl honestly don't mean shit to the ppl u place them on.
Its nice to sit here, calmly and read what I have read and relize, I have SO much respect for my best friend, even for her ex, for the way they handled themselves in her stupid "journal attacks" it only makes her look like the foolish nearly 23 year old that she is.
at the end of the day, one must learn, u don't always get what u want, life just isn't that fair.