Princess & The Frog, Sherlock Holmes, The Wolfman, RE:DC

Feb 14, 2010 21:07

Bit of a backlog going on here...

I mean, I can't remember the movie I'd seen before these three-- which I now know from this blog to be 2012. These movies recently are just kinda "meh".

But I did enjoy The Princess and the Frog (saw it Dec. 29th). It was really cute, had good music, and the Shadowman was an awesome villain. I wonder why the prince wasn't quite black, though... He was lighter than Tiana. Which I suppose I shouldn't have a problem with since it's a kid's movie! Or is it supposed to be a social commentary? That's one thing I don't know about. In the end, though, it was thoroughly entertaining (and a good thing, too, since I really didn't want to go see Avatar with my dad).

On Jan. 3rd, I saw Sherlock Holmes. It was really good, actually-- I especially loved the bromance. Well, okay, I don't think they're gay, but I loved the interaction and the sort of reliance Holmes had on Watson. The action was good, and I didn't mind the slow-mo sections. I know I had an issue with something, but I can't remember what it was now. It was good and well-explained. *shrug*

Yesterday, I saw The Wolfman with my bro. We both found it kinda lacking. My bro said it seemed like the plot was forced around what they wanted to do. I felt the same-- like they had parts where they knew where they wanted Lawrence to maul, and then wrote around it. It was very predictable, too. I've never seen or heard much of anything about the original, btw. The cg was a bit crappy. And omg, the theatre I saw it in was super-effing loud. Like, someone really needs to turn the speakers down a few notches. Maybe they were hoping to get the jumps that way? There were definitely a few sound-cues that probably wouldn't have worked had THE WHOLE MOVIE NOT BEEN SO LOUD. :|
One strange thing about the movie was... well, I've never found BDT attractive(and mostly still don't. ew.), but at the end of the movie I was like woof. :3 I kinda hope werewolf movies pick up fans, but at the same time, I don't want them to become the new Vampireomgtwilight-phase. :| I've always liked werewolves better, anyways. *shrug*

And over Christmas break, I finally got to play RE:DC. It was... a little bit of a disappointment. I played it by myself, and on easy since I wanted to get through it quick, but The Javier missions were boring, there was no extra missions besides Krauser's side of it, and no extra Wesker. :( I was figuring on REC:VX not REC:V. :( All he got to do was stand there at the end for like, 3 seconds. But the Code:Veronica section was fun. I really liked Alfred. :) The Veronica/Alexia queen was soooo phallic, it was kinda embarrassing. e__e Ummm... yeah, I can't really say much on it besides it was kinda dumb and disappointing. *shrug*

omg lol. I bet that kills the twihards. Omg, RPatz won't sleep with me EVAR?!!1 NUOOOO.
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