
Nov 22, 2009 22:28

Okay, finally beat it. This is like, the first game I've beaten for the first time in about 2 years? :O??
Took me 13:09:21. Ranking: GOD. On Easy, 'cause I suck. I probably died like, 63 times, being stupid, etc. I couldn't figure out that frakking control-stick wiggle QTE. I kept moving it to the exteme ends, not just wiggling it back and forth. There was SOOOO much in this gameplay that wasn't explained, and I didn't have a book (bought it used). >:| The Hints/Tutorials were totally useless, too. Never got any hints when I needed them. And WhyTF couldn't I skip cutscenes after I'd seen them once? I must've seen one at least 20 times 'cause I kept dying. :| (again, that dumb QTE.) QTE's are the devil. >:[ I kept mixing up Square and X this evening, too, so I died needlessly a few times. e___e

But yeah, it was fun enough except for all that. I may buy the first one, now. Oh, finally picked up RE:Darkside Chronicles on Wednesday, after checking like, three times. It was supposed to be in Tuesday, then Wednesday morning, and finally they're like, "Just check in the afternoon." e____e Really, peeps. Really. Just 'cause it's not AC2 or L4D2 doesn't mean you gotta be lazy about it. And I got stuck with an XL shirt. :| Anyways, can't play it or give bro-chan the shirt until Christmas. *sigh* BUT! Gametrailers.com had a review and showed a clip of Wesker! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~!!!! So happy! I knew he'd have to be in it! :DD
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