May 05, 2005 03:13
Ah that was an enchanting tale wasn't it? (refer to previous post).
Yeah so, today was the big abortion debate. I don't even know who won, or even whathappened really. stupid prolifers, god they suck. I can't even explain this one chick Kathleen, she'sjust unbelievable. I want to hateher so much, but there is a part of me that envies her. She's a sophomore, i had orientation with her and like hung out with her...little did i know of her right wing agenda. everyone has one of those these days it seems. But, she's like finished with school, she came here with 36 credits thatshe got in highschool and now she's finished in 2 years, an honor student. she lost the SGA election though. haha. but, she really is wicked smart, and that's what I envy, i've never been like brilliant or a genius, always just slightly or barely above average. I hate that. I envy brilliant people. Like Lee. He got his fucking masters in like a year. how do people even do that? i don't understand. that's the part i don't envy, i'm not in that much of a hurry to do nothing. because if i was able to graduate in two weeks, what the fuck would i do? sit around and wait for my big movie idea to come to me, that's all i got. so i may as well be doing something or be pretending to do something in school, and pretend that writers need to be in school, becuase i'm really not so certain that's true. whatever.
so i think the debate was tied, i don't know, i totally got bored and zoned out and wanted to leave. all the prolifers had their mom;;s there, and one of them was totally Patti Neenan. oh my god, she went insane and was screaming at us, it was supposed to be a student event, and this woman was asking about how it's right to kill babies if a woman is premiscuous and has 10 abortions how could we kill all those babies and justify was intense, and i just wanted to leave. i swear i almost did, and i kinda wish i had. kethleen got mad because i compared babies to other forms of life that people are fine with killing like bacteria and animals and she said that was disgusting and then compared them to plants. so bizzare, there were like infinity things i thought and wish i had vocalized, but i lacked the motivation to even move my lips, i don't know why, i wasn't nervous just like bored and lazy, how sad is that? so, yeah no more debating for me, it's boring, i don't like listening to people say stupid things and calling me a babykiller. that's fucked up, i'm not a babykiller, but i support those who choose to do so. assholes, it's not even a baby it's not even living on it's own. ok, i'm done with this topic it's makin me nausiated.
then i went out with terri and james to Houstons, this really amazing restarant, it was so good. I had the bestveggie burger of all time and the best fries and the best spinach dip and apple thing, yeah it was amazing, i'm so sick of hofstra food, so it was a much welcomed change in the middle of the day.
then astronomy which is basically middleschool time with terri. we sit there the whole class and write notes on sheets of paper and play MASH or true love. it's the best thing ever. it's so middle school, but it's totally awesome.
then we went out to utopia, got some awesome porn and ran into maddy and her james (because everyone has a james) and she said she was going to Udel tomorrow, so i offered her a ride, since i'm going thatway anyway. so that should be a good time. then we went to CVS and saw the best Guido of all time, and listened to this awesome ska band, The Tsunami Fan Club (their CD is free at Utopia, totally check them out)they have this great song, "shoot em up" about this kid who has no weed for his bong so he kills a bunch of kids at his school (ie. some asshole in his philosphy class and some bitch in his government class) and then kills himself. it's really wonderful, every forteen year old should listen to it, because that's safe.
so then we went to the brew and it was good, no little homeless ladies asking for a ride this time, but there was a group of boys thathit on us on the way out, i think they were like 16. and they said we smelled good and were hot. i was scared.
so then we went to terri's and watched the porn, the best being the Boobyguard (yeah, like the bodyguard only way better). it's amazing, i'm so excited about it, it's soooo bad. it has voice overs and monologues and everything. it's brilliant.
i'm seeing John Waters this weekend. not only that, i'm watching porn with john waters this weekend. fucking john waters. i wonder if Lee will be there, i should find that out becuase Lee is awesome and loves john waters too. yay maryland film festival bringing me and lee together (hopefully), can't argue with that.