It's all so obvious! The City's purpose, clearly, is to humiliate us to death! Why didn't I think of it before?
There's one mystery demystified. Now, if someone wouldn't mind solving a mystery that's been plaguing me all morning, what on earth was
this doing in my lab? I assume it's related to the unfortunate things I was saying yesterday, but my memory of events is something of a blur.
Curses aside, has anyone determined approximately how close one needs to be to another individual to mute the ticking? Does this vary from one person to another, or is there a constant of some kind? Additionally, are there any exceptionally quiet people who excel at staying out of the way and not touching things looking for a flatmate?
[ooc: Mysterious modern undergarments courtesy of an NPC who apparently fell for the pickup lines. And he tried so hard to stay out of trouble by avoiding the network...]