SGA 3.04

Aug 05, 2006 04:26

Oh my lord, I love this show.

1. Oh man, did they blow their budget on this one. The explosions, the extensive sets, the CGI, the Very Cool Editing-- this was not a low budget ep. Totally worth it, but-- it would be amusing in a craptastic sort of way if the next three episodes involve cardboard cut outs of various characters in order to cut back on costs.

2. You know, I've not been very fond of Ronon in the past-- I don't dislike him or anything, I just haven't been very interested in his character-- but I quite like him now. He makes *sense*. Also, I can finally say that I see the hotness factor that people keep going on about. JM isn't really the type I go for, so while I've been able to go, "Yeah, good body, looks nice in leather," there's not been anything that's made me really sit up and go, "I'd like that gift wrapped, please." However, there's something really sexy about badass desperation and emotional breakdowns, so. I'm ready to board the Ronon fan train now.

3. Okay, this is a dorky thing to comment on, but man-- the music in this episode! Very nice. They reused some canned Generic Action Sequence Music in a few places, but there were several other places where the music was something new and interesting, and very fitting to the scene. I'm thinking of the final showdown btwn Ronon and the head Wraith dude in particular-- there was some great tension in the score, and I loved the vaguely tribal feel with the occasional vocalizations. Fit in very nicely with the berserker thing.

4. TPTB are totally into fan service, aren't they. I mean, last episode we get the Delicious Fat Guy asking about Sheppard's hair, and this episode we get gratuitous McKay ass references. I mean, there is no reason why the arrow had to hit his ass-- could've been the leg or something, but no. No, they decided to stick it in Hewlett's ass, and really? I can only love them for this.

5. On a related subject: Rodney McKay on drugs is my favorite. Particularly the bit where he was playing around with the canula and squishing it into his nose. So completely, wonderfully, unbelievably adorable.

6. Jeez. I am all about Sheppard sticking up for his team and I'll help design the Atlantis Solidarity t-shirt, but I cannot understand how the hell John Sheppard didn't manage to get his ass kicked out of the Air Force, like, seven times before he got sent to McMurdo. Because the j'accuse! Pointy Finger is not, I suspect, something that goes over well with most military leaders.

7. This is the obligatory Oh, John thingy. Because-- oh. Oh, John. Baby, you almost cried, didn't you. Shh. Shhh, honey. It's okay. Teyla won't tell. I don't think. I mean, she's your family. Besides, she has social skills.

8. Someone needs to screencap the bit where Rodney's laying on his stomach in the labs and working on his laptop. Because damn, Dr. McKay's lookin' good in that scene. I approve of his borrowing one of John's black t-shirts. They look good on him.

9. In short, I love the entire world right now, but mostly I love all of Sheppard's screwy little family.

OH. I almost forgot.

10. John, honey, it don't matter to me how many more Wraith Teyla killed than you. I still love you best. But-- hee! Your manly ego is absolutely adorable. Please continue to amuse me with your dorkishness.

sga, fannish thoughts, sga eps

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