(no subject)

Sep 28, 2005 09:28

No myth class today *sighs* teacher set aside the class time to go over rough drafts of our first papers, wouldn't have minded actually having class though. Got an extra-credit assignment and some cramming to do for my HTML class. The first exam is tonight... I have this strange feeling i'ma fail lol, thats why needa study study study *imitates the way Kintaro from Goldenboy says that lol* Yeah so the week has been not to crazy. As always i'm tired as hell. Last Thursday we finished up our charcoal pencil still lifes. That was cool, I had alot of fun with it, was pretty happy with how mine turned out. Style/Aesthetic wise it kinda seemed out there though when we did the critiques on them yesterday. Can't complain though, plus the cliched "an artist is his own worst critic" has its eternal ring of truth. Yesterday we started another still life, this one in charcoal, the twiggy kind not the thick blocky kind. Was pretty happy with how that one is coming along, not sure if there's much more i want to do on it next class besides take downstairs and put some fixative on it. Oh yea, that reminds me. On my way home from the Visual Arts Center yesterday I pull up at this stop light behind this one guys car... He climbs out of his car struts over to mine, probably thinking he's some big badass black rapper or some shit and is like "I don't like you riding me bumper *glare*." Doesn't help that I didn't know wtf he was talking about *grumbles* i hate assholes. So yeah that kind of soured my mood on my drive home, before that I'd been singing along to one of the Gorillaz songs that was playing on the radio all giddy and bouncy. Funny how people can suck the life out of your day without even realizing it. After the light turned green, the road split into two lanes I passed him and that was that. Anyways lets see what else? Been playing lots of Jade Empire, the game is lots of fun. Oh, got in touch with my buddy Jason. He was one of my friends from the last time I lived in Virginia. Might try and go visit him this weekend, don't know if it'll happen though especially since I don't got money for gas :( plus i'm kind of skeptical of my Dad giving me his "ok." Anyways we'll see what happens. It's good to get back in touch with a friend though. No new Battlestar or even Stargate this friday. The Season Finale of Battlestar was so uber, omg it kills me that i have to wait like 3-4 months for season 3 to start lol. Best show on TV. Anyways should probably start working on my HTML extra credit/studying. Keep ya posted. ~teh Bedhead Zombie

Joined a BSG community huzzah! lol
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