Title: Saints and Sinners Author: spikespetslayer Pairing: Hermione/Draco Author's Summary: Some of us are sinners and some of us are saints; some of us are both if we hide it very well. Chapters: 7 (Incomplete) Link: Here
Title: Things Can Only Get Better Author: kytus333 Pairing: Hermione/Draco Author's Summary: Hermione is homeless and has to resort to being helped by her worst enemy. But with two interfering neighbours things can only get worst... or better? Chapters: 20 (Incomplete) Link: Here
Title: Basketcase Author: attica Pairing: Hermione/Draco Author's Summary: “Is that really what makes you happy? Because I find that quite sad, relying on the failures of other people for your sick amusement when you can just look in the mirror every day and see the biggest failure in the world.” Oooh, BURN. Chapters: 38 (Complete) Link: Here
Title: Never Friends Author: spikespetslayer Pairing: Hermione/Draco Author's Summary: A chance meeting between enemies brings an offer of hope to a desperate Malfoy. Chapters: 1 (Complete) Link: Here
Title: Savin' Me Author's Summary: Chapters: 22 (Incomplete) Link: Here
Title: Clever Mischief Author: inell, rose_whispers Pairing: Hermione/Fred, Hermione/George, Hermione/Fred/George Author's Summary: The year is 2005 and the Weasley twins have just returned to England after years away to buy the business from Zonko in Hogsmeade. As their products begin to flood the halls of Hogwarts once more, they realise that the Hogwarts
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Title: A Most Advantageous Match Author: Amethyst Pairing: Hermione/Harry Author's Summary: Harry Potter must marry by his 18th birthday or risk losing his entire inheritance to his greedy relatives, the Dursleys. Who else could he turn to but his dear friend Hermione Granger? Chapters: 14 (Complete) Link: Here
Title: A Scandal for Every Season
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Title: Finding Himself Author: minisinoo Pairing: Hermione/Cedric Author's Summary: 'The boy who almost died' has to figure out what it means that he didn't. Harry's tulmultous fifth year at Hogwarts is Cedric's seventh and final. Bound together by a shared trauma survived, both boys fall under Ministry suspicion and fire, and both undergo a '
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Title: The Unseemly Proposal Author: sparx Pairing: Hermione/Draco Author's Summary: The reign of Voldermort comes to an end, and with it ends the prestige and power Lucius Malfoy once had in the Wizarding World. In order to regain the respect of his fellow wizards and to make them believe that he has turned over a new leaf (which he actually hasn'
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Title: The Uneventful Story Author: SnowflakeImp Pairing: Hermione/Draco Author's Summary: It's an uneventful story where nothing happens. And when nothing happens, EVERYTHING happens. Chapters: 20 (Incomplete) Link: Here