Title: Une Rose Seule
Chapter: Interlude
Author: Me!! (Sombersilence)
Rating: R/NC-17 eventually
Summary: Pierre's hiding something from his friends, and even more from the world around him. He hides behind Seb too much, and needs Jeff around him 24/7. He needs to learn to live on his own again, and a Senior Trip to LA brings him to that realization. Will a certain mysterious hottie named David be able to save him from the shell his father has forced him into? (I believe it'll end up better than it sounds... I suck as summaries!)
Disclaimer: Never happened...though, I wouldn't mind...just, not as sad, please!!
Dedication: Rei and Josh for forcing me to write. I love them.
Authors Note: This is uber short but it's just an interlude to hurry things along because I couldn't figure out how to get to the next stage but I figured it was time for an update. I'm putting off studying and I'm so tired that it's disgusting but I can't sleep. Comment and sorry again for the uber long wait and all just so much has been going on. Btw... I have a new journal for my personal stuff. Mystic_Romance
Pierre sat alone in the guest room, looking about the room, taking in his surroundings. It had been over a week since they’d arrived there, and he still felt as if he hadn’t seen everything. Reality was so weird now. Everything was moving so fast and he was falling for David so naturally. He sighed and fell back onto his bed, waiting for David to return to the room. He had decided to spend some time alone with his God daughter, which Pierre thought was a good idea as well. He occupied some of his time reading but had gotten bored and wanted nothing more right then and there than to kiss David.
The moment David walked into the room he jumped up and with mischievous grin he attacked David with kisses all over his face before capturing his lips. “That was nice.” David smiled, closing his eyes and resting his head on Pierre’s chest after they broke apart. “Why the sudden urge?”
“I missed your lips.” Pierre laughed. “And I missed you. Is it weird that I’m so attached?” He asked softly, wrapping his arms around David and taking in his scent. “I just feel like being here as brought me so much closer to you. I feel so much more comfortable around you. I don’t know if it’s the beautiful scenery, or your family or just having no where to run, so we have to talk things out. I just know that I’m falling for you so hard, and I can’t keep it in any longer. I don’t have to be afraid of you.”
David pulled back a little and looked up into Pierre’s eyes. David’s eyes reflected his smile and he leaned up to get Pierre a little kiss. “I love you so much. You have made me the happiest guy on Earth...no matter what we’ve been through. The moment I saw you in California... I knew I wanted to be with you. Does that creep you out?”
“No way.” Pierre smiled.
“Then it’s not weird that you’re so attached to me. I feel the same way. I know what when we go back we’re going to run into more problems because life just isn’t this perfect but we can enjoy it for now, and I plan on it. So come here.” He pulled Pierre over to the bed and laid down on it, pulling Pierre on top of him. “Snuggle with me?” He asked, placing a soft kiss on Pierre’s nose. Pierre nodded and laid slightly on top of David, putting most of his weight on his side that was on the bed, and wrapped one arm around his boyfriend, letting the other linger in the boys’ newly blonde hair.
“This is nice.” Pierre whispered.
“We can do this every night for now on.” David said.
“How do you mean? We’re going back in a few days.” Pierre said, raising an eyebrow.
“I was thinking...maybe you could, well...move in with me? I mean you graduated now and the bad is kicking off and you feel more comfortable around me... what do you say?” David was nervous, Pierre could tell, he wasn’t meeting his eyes, and his hands were shaking a bit as they rubbed Pierre’s strong back.
“David, that sounds beautiful and all... but I haven’t even met your parents yet!” Pierre chuckled, thinking David was just high on love at the moment.
“Yeah, but you will... besides, I was thinking we could get out own place. It’d be a lot more private. I’ve had my eye on a really nice pent house downtown from your house.”
“You’re serious?” Pierre sat up a little.
“Very much.”
Pierre Bouvier was usually not one to jump into things without thinking them out for at least a few months. He was paranoid and scared of change. However, his heart was pounding so fast. He was so in love and taking this risk was like breathing...something he wasn’t do so well with at the moment, but was usually so simple and nature. He did it without thinking. Just as he screamed out to David “I love you! I love you so much! And I was absolutely love that!” He kissed him twenty times over.
“Mmm I love you too.” David melted and pulled Pierre closer to him. He closed his eyes and listened to Pierre’s heart beat as they breathed together. He wouldn’t admit it to Pierre and ruin the moment, but he enjoyed being the submissive one in the relationship for a change. Usually he was comforting Pierre, wrapping his arms around the taller teen, and leading everything. He loved that Pierre had jumped on him when he walked into the room, he enjoyed Pierre hugging him right then and smothering him with love. “You’re beautiful.”
“You’re even more beautiful.” Pierre whispered and kissed David again, slowly, sensitively. Everything seemed so amazing and perfect all of a sudden. He knew that it would change when they went back, but he was excited about their future together.
Things were certainly changing...but for once... It wasn’t causing Pierre anxiety.