Artemis 001

Apr 03, 2011 23:09

Who: Artemis and whoever comes across him
Where: Wandering about in the Lake Meridian area
Style: Either or!
Status: OPEN

This was not Ireland. He was highly familiar with his homeland, having lived there his entire life, and he could say with complete certainty that this was not it. Sighing, Artemis glanced around as he straightened his designer suit. Naturally, he discovered the strange little communication device in his pocket. It looked very much like a phone. Unfortunately, it was not connecting him to Butler.


Glancing through it quickly, he started to gather what information he could from it. Sadly, that wasn't much from just a glance. Though, he could conclude that this was some place known as Somarium. An interesting name to be sure.

Lifting his head, he took a look around. Alone and without his bodyguard or Holly to watch over him.

Perhaps he should call for help. He was well aware of the fact that looking like a helpless child (even if he was physically) was not helping things.

!location: lake meridian, kay faraday, leon (squall leonheart)

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