1st ♒ And this place would be?

Mar 07, 2011 17:16

Who: Eridan and YOU
Where: Somni, 2nd District in the middle of a street
Style: Either!
Status: Open

And then the prince awoke... )

tavros nitram, !location: somni, renge houshakuji, eridan ampora, canada (matthew williams)

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invisibleeffect March 8 2011, 00:45:41 UTC
[Were most of the trolls always this pleasant? He's only ran across one who didn't seem to find the need to curse their surroundings thus far. On the other hand, he really couldn't blame him as waking up in a new place was always a bit of a shocker.]

...welcome to Somarium.


forevveraglub March 8 2011, 02:07:37 UTC
[With a sneer, Eridan looked at whoever had spoken up. Welcome? Welcome? He didn't want to be welcomed to this unknown place! He wanted to know where he was so he could go the hell back!]

[He had important royal business to attend to after all!]

What the ewer lowin' hoofbeast shit is Somarium?


invisibleeffect March 8 2011, 04:05:18 UTC
A dream world. [The tiniest of shrugs accompanied his words as he still continued to smile.]

Unfortunately, you're as stuck here as the rest of us.


forevveraglub March 8 2011, 13:14:34 UTC
A dream world? [It definitely sounded more like a statement than a question. His expression hardened as he mulled that information over.]

I was doin' somethin' wery important before I showed up here mere fuckin' moments ago. I can't afford to be stuck here.

[If Feferi was here, he'd probably not care so much, but he doesn't see her anywhere, which means she must be back in the veil... with that disgusting mustard blood. UGH! Just the thought was enough to make him want to kill somebody!]


invisibleeffect March 8 2011, 17:51:31 UTC
Basically speaking, yes. It'll make itself clearer the longer you stay and explore. [Since no amount of words would ever really make it sound completely understandable.]

Many of us were doing important things before we somehow managed to show up. Though, it's not impossible to go back home. It's just not a choice that is left up to you when it may happen.


forevveraglub March 8 2011, 20:21:02 UTC
[Well really there was no point in fighting against it really, especially if there was no way out. At least for now anyways. He'd go along with it, figure this place out and then, maybe then, he'd be able to find a way out. Just cuz this lowblood commoner didn't know his way out didn't mean that HE couldn't figure out a way.]

Well. I guess there isn't much I can fuckin' do then. [Oh yeah seem convincing in your mock defeat against this world's rules.]

So what is there to ewen do in this place? Looks like some kind a alien metropolis a some sort.

[May as well get a better understanding if he was going to be stuck here, and after the initial shock of being hurled into this place--he wasn't so upset anymore. Frustrated, yes, but he's basically calmed down a bit.


invisibleeffect March 8 2011, 22:39:25 UTC
Feel free to take up a search for a way out. Sometimes people leave, but it never seems to be on their own accord. [His tone was a tad bit sarcastic, but it wasn't something he was going to discourage. It'd provide something to do around the place at least, even if it was a basically futile effort.]

That's sort of like what it is. In fairness of other races, I'd classify it as pretty much humanoid. It's a pretty standard city here and divided up into five sectors. Though there's a village at the center of the city. [Go figure. But that's not a discussion he seems to be interested in having again any time soon since he can't explain the logistics behind it and it seems strange to him, anyway.] What one does around here is pretty much left up to them. There's no real set rules on what one has to do.


forevveraglub March 9 2011, 13:40:11 UTC
Hmm. Well, I'll think about it. [Which means he's already thought about it and will be doing that soon.]

Humanoid? [Up goes his eye brow.]

...Interestin' design, a willage in the middle? I'we newer seen a troll city designed quite like that... [Though then again, the Eridan was often doing his own thing and not so much going to the alternian cities for things.]

No set rules? Are there no royals to lead you common bloods? What kind of place is this?


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