Who: Eridan and YOU
Where: Somni, 2nd District in the middle of a street
Style: Either!
Status: Open
[Eridan wasn't exactly sure where he was, or why his face was against concrete. He was fairly certain that this distinctly was not where he was mere moments ago. Fairly certain, but the evidence before him--like the rough surface of concrete making an impression of itself on his cheek--made it obvious that his certainties meant little to nothing.]
[Rising to his feet and dusting off his clothing--he quickly surveyed his surroundings. Obviously, he was in some sort of city--though it looked nothing like that of Alternian metropolitan areas.]
[This whole place was alien to him and he didn't like that one glubbing bit!]
[There were people around at least, and a strange traveling device from the look of it and he was in a road.]
[Quickly, he scrambled out of the way of the oncoming unfamiliar traveling device before, what he assumed would happen, happened. That being him becoming a fishpancake on the road.]
[Now that he was done making a fool of himself in front of all these--humans? They looked like the quartet of human kids him and his group were trolling before he showed up here, so he was going to just stick with that.]
[But finding the resolve to what these people could possibly be didn't answer the question that was really vexing the troll prince.]
...Where in the bloody cod-fondlin' fuck am I?