Alistair « I. »

Mar 06, 2011 01:22

Who: Alistair and...Morrigan...
Where: Morrigan's room at the inn
When: in the dead of night, when no one can hear you scream. Mwa ha ha!
Style: third
Status: closed
Warning(s): Look out! Much derp will be had!

Alistair disapproves. (-infinity) )

morrigan, alistair, !location: espoir

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I can just imagine her going all spidery at him now XD wildernesswitch March 6 2011, 08:57:40 UTC
Morrigan watched him nearly fall over himself and tightened the laces on her shirt, just to comfort herself a little that he wouldn't be staring at her chest, even if it had gotten bigger and she had gotten curvier since having a baby. Two years of travelling hadn't worked off all the weight and had left her with wider hips, a bigger chest and a harsher glare ( ... )


Thank Andraste for Flemeth's grimoire. X3 swooping_isbad March 7 2011, 08:17:35 UTC
"We should find out then, yes? Why we were brought here, that is," he said, still standing in the same spot. As much as would have loved to take a literal load off of his feet, he didn't like the idea of getting comfortable with or around Morrigan. Not when they were the only two people in the room, at least ( ... )


It has everything. It knows what you had for breakfast. wildernesswitch March 8 2011, 03:55:10 UTC
"My, my... an intelligent idea from the ex-Templar." It was almost impossible, but it had to have happened sooner or later, hadn't it? Honestly, it was Alistair's... Alistair-ness that made Morrigan worry her child would grow up just as bad, though his Old God spirit would likely affect everything they had put into him themselves. He was two-- no one was to know anything yet. A two year old cared little about anything but themselves ( ... )


No, no seeming. That's what it was. xD; FFFF-- That man was mine, GDI! swooping_isbad March 8 2011, 19:59:32 UTC
He narrowed his eyes in s harsh stare. "Yes, I know. Shocking, isn't it?" He could have held his tongue, but he got an odd sort of pleasure from bickering with her. It was a ray of sunshine in his otherwise dreary existence.

"We agree then." He shuddered. That wasn't easy to say. "We'll work together to-- What did you say? Did you just say that I'm the king?" He didn't like that idea. No, he didn't care for it one bit. He'd never had any desire to become king. Duncan had known that. The Warden knew that. It didn't make sense that he would rise to the throne. Eamon had expressed that it was Alistair's birthright and responsibility...and he had only been a few days' walk from the Landsmeet...

(Congratulations, Morrigan. You sent him into hyperventilation. XD)


XDD No giving away your shiny Templar! wildernesswitch March 8 2011, 20:08:41 UTC
Morrigan snickered behind her book, amused at his sudden panic attack. Raising her hand to silence him, she shook her head. "I merely jest. You are not king. Ohhh, Maker forbid the Warden be parted from her precious beloved." It was enough to make her sick at times, them being mushy and disgusting, but it was certainly fair to say that their relationship had to be strong for them both to agree to her ritual and still have some sort of relationship afterwards.

"Fear not. The Warden is far more intelligent than you give her credit for. She placed someone worthwhile on the throne." Not that Alistair wouldn't have made a good king. She knew he would have, even if she was loathe to admit it. He was kind-hearted and fair, if somewhat slack-jawed and limp-wristed.

"If we are in agreement, is there anything else?" Such as your son. She wouldn't say it. The boy was hers, and only hers. She lowered her golden gaze to the page she was examining, something she knew word for word. "'Twould be pointless for you to waste gold on a seperate room. ( ... )


Sorry! DX Been distracted by DA2. swooping_isbad March 10 2011, 06:48:47 UTC
That was a relief. He hated the idea of being king. "Do you always have to do that? Have you ever gotten the urge to, I don't know, not be a bitch?" That wasn't a word Alistair used very often, but as of late it was always one he used to describe Morrigan. "Anyway I'm glad I'm not King. I'm sure we both agree on that as well."

"Share this room? With you?" The idea gave him the chills, but it would be nice to be in the company of someone he knew, even if he didn't particularly care for that certain someone. He had to admit, though - Morrigan was different. She wasn't quite so...heartless. Normally she'd have left him out in the cold, logical or not.

Maybe it was because of her son. Just because his sister had remained a bitter hag after her litter didn't mean all women were like that, did it? No, of course not, he told himself.

But the idea of Morrigan as a mother...

"Nope, can't think of a thing," he said, and then he sat on the other bed, his back to her.


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