Ron 001

Feb 16, 2011 19:37

Who: maroonweasley and somarium
Where: Main library
Style: Either or, I'll follow on. Starting in third.
Status: Open

Since getting back on his feet, so to speak, and dealing with certain disappearances, he'd been trying to plan for living here, even if it might not prove to be permanent. And well, job hunting was definitely on that list and even if he knew enough about police (sort of) it didn't hurt to find out more and so he'd ended up in the library, probably for the first time in his life under his own volition without threats from Hermione.

He wouldn't admit to anyone else that he'd been sulking on Valentine's Day but he had and now being in the library, a place Hermione would have loved, he wasn't really in the best of spirits but he headed in, browsing through a few aisles with no real destination in mind.

This really wasn't one of his more well-planned ventures. Hopefully no one from home would run into him here.

!location: library, ron weasley

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