Wrath 010 - Infidelity

Feb 16, 2011 11:10

Who: Wrath, directed to Sam Manson, and anyone else
When: 2/16, After these threads: This one,
This one, and This one,
Where: Somni
Status: Open, but red arrow affects only his feelings towards Sam.
Style: Third

The myriad of airborne beasts that swarmed in great abundance this morning did not escape his notice, and it was natural that he wanted to kill them. That they were armed only fueled the conflagration in his soul.

He went at them, as per his usual approach to aim for a lethal hit.

The flying chimera-like monsters were infuriatingly elusive--every one of the damned targets had evaded his sword as if they had melted into thin air. As much as he blitzed them, from all directions and from every angle, going so far as to attempt to get the jump on them by couching himself on a windowsill of a two-storey building and then leaping downwards aiming to thrust into their heads, they would_not_take a single blow.

They in turn, attacked him, shooting hails of yellow, orange, pink, and black arrows at him, which he parried with a huff.

He had sliced_air for what seemed the thousandth time, bent slightly over, his arms and shoulders drenched with sweat, panting in exhaustion. Humiliating that he had already been run ragged, his jaw was locked in a growl.

He tore off his patch, incensed. The Ultimate Eye wide with rage he again charged down the street, tracking the flying targets as they were about to melt again-he perceived their molecular sructure, blending with the air currents.

"You're mine."

He thrust his blade into the creature's heart--but one of its fellows had shot a single red arrow through the other one piercing Wrath in the hand--the projectile's momentum was such that the arrow shot right through his hand and embedded in his Homunculus heart.

The creature fell on the street. The one that had shot Wrath flew away, cackling insidiously.

Wrath had no time to ponder on why the arrows drew no blood.

All he knew was that he felt strangely light. He felt fiery emotions welling up inside of him, but they were_not_feelings of wrath. An image of the girl came to his mind and he felt that he had_to see her. No, he had to embrace her with every fiber of his being.

"Samantha!" the mustached man, caked in sweat from exertion but this added sweat resulted from a different heat, as he tottered with his large hands clasped with soaring anticipation, both eyes wide and even the Ouroboros Eye looking somewhat--innocuous--- shouted at full volume. "Where are you? I must see you this INSTANT!!"

Oh, Somarium, Wrath has just gotten even more insufferable.

wrath, sam manson

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