A brand new world~

Feb 04, 2011 11:32

Who: Argentine [innocentart ] and you~
Where: Espoir is fine.
Style: You can choose
Status: Open

Argentine woke up somewhere in espoir. It was chilly, even in 30-40 degrees weather. He got on his feet as he patted the snow off of his coat and pants. He didn't seem to attempt to call out just yet. Instead, he took in the sights. It was all new and he was actually interested in where the heck he was. He was naturally curious of anything though. You couldn't learn everything from books, after all. He looked to the snow in awe. He had seen snow, but he never actually looked at it up close or tried to feel it.

"It's cold...," he said to himself as he looked around a little more.

He looked to where he woke up at to see a odd contraption. He picked it up in interest, looking at the Dreamberry vacantly. He started to play with it a little, pushing buttons as they beeped. Little did he know that the Dreamberry started to project him.

"Where am I?" he asked, more so to himself.

daisuke jigen, argentine, !location: espoir

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