The Yeti Attacks

Jan 30, 2011 16:39

Who: Yeti vs. somarium
Where: Fountain at Espoir
Style: First preferred
Status: OPENUnlike before, the Yeti did not even wait for the sun to completely set. In a roar of anger, it burst through the sands for a third time. However, instead of climbing onto the floating mountain as it had done the previous two times, it raced toward the invisible barrier. As ( Read more... )

daisuke jigen, franziska von karma, zelos wilder, max lightwood, yuffie kisaragi, rena ryuugu, vorona, jyuushirou ukitake, leon (squall leonheart), solid snake, amaterasu, isabelle lightwood, stitch, kain highwind, lloyd irving, !location: espoir, liquid snake, zack fair (kh), *noctaere, ishikawa goemon, cho hakkai, rika furude, harry potter, england (arthur kirkland), shinjiro aragaki, axel, nakago, kirby, allen walker

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feel free to thread :) xsillygoround January 30 2011, 23:10:10 UTC
I think I've had enough out of you..!
[a silver-haired boy is leaping onto the Yeti's back and running two twin-blades up it's back, before jumping off it's head, and taking out two twin-guns, firing away]


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Haseo --> Kain --> Yeti? noctaere January 31 2011, 00:21:35 UTC
[the yeti lets out a roar as the boy attacked. immediately it turns, preparing to swipe, but there yet another human trying to attack.

so instead it changes targets and moves to swipe at the one with the long pointy stick.]


Yeahhhh B) xsillygoround January 31 2011, 00:32:56 UTC
[he narrows his eyes at the sudden intrusion, before smirking lopsidedly]

Wanted to join huh? I think I've got this, but go ahead. [at that distraction, he removes his guns, opting to take out his broadsword]

Bone Crusher!

[and he brings it down hard on his shoulder]


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noctaere January 31 2011, 00:46:12 UTC
[stubborn little things, they were. the attacks stung, but it only made the yeti rage even more.

so with another yell, it moved, dodging the sword and once again tried to hit Kain.]


xsillygoround January 31 2011, 01:05:54 UTC
Damn---look out! [he's going to be quickly trying to distract him from hitting Kain]


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noctaere January 31 2011, 01:36:27 UTC
[bring it, dragoon boy, this yeti is ready to take whatever that pointy stick can do.

except he's also charging toward Haseo, ready to take another swipe.]


xsillygoround January 31 2011, 02:35:54 UTC
[and here's Haseo quickly stumbling backwards, managing to roll away!!!]


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noctaere January 31 2011, 03:14:17 UTC
[that hurt. but it didn't stop the yeti from his own attacks.

he stepped to the side before reaching high up and bringing his fist down right toward the two attackers.]


xsillygoround January 31 2011, 23:48:48 UTC
Tch--bastard! [rolling out of the way he managed to fire some shots at the yeti with his two duel-guns]


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noctaere February 1 2011, 22:37:16 UTC
[rargh, these things just keep moving away.

so let's have some super ultra ice breath! FREEEEEZE]


xsillygoround February 2 2011, 04:06:39 UTC
What the----like hell! [taking out his scythe instead, the duel-guns vanish into his pockets as he slashes some of the ice away..quickly running to avoid the breath, he uses the scythe as a pick to climb that yeti mountain...:(]


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