☀ one sun.

Nov 03, 2010 16:30

Who: soloriens here and you!
Where: Everywhere Your house.
Style: I'll be sure to match you~
Status: Open!

[It could be at any time of day; morning, afternoon, nighttime. But for some reason you can hear some noises coming from your kitchen, whether you choose to investigate out of fear or curiosity or simply annoyance at who is being up this late, rest ( Read more... )

alice liddell (heart no kuni), lenalee lee, rita mordio, amaterasu, c.c., senri, polka, hope estheim, ishikawa goemon, maka albarn, apollo, medicine seller, sanada yukimura, kyou sohma, allen walker, alice (pandora hearts)

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Comments 261

flower_fields November 3 2010, 23:45:35 UTC
[... Not that Senri's ever had the greatest memory, but he doesn't recall Rita making that much noise in the kitchen. Heck, he doesn't recall Rita being in the kitchen often, because gdit that girl has bad eating habits.

So this would be him entering the kitchen to investigate and blinking when he spots Amaterasu.]


soloriens November 3 2010, 23:49:07 UTC
[This is her staring back, if you look closely you can see a small pouch bag around her neck and a Dreamberry settled by her feet.

He alarmed her a little but now that she knows you're there, and can see he's really no threat..........she'll be going back to eating. :|b]


flower_fields November 3 2010, 23:51:43 UTC
[Fortunately, he doesn't really have a problem with her eating all their food, since he can always buy more, so, he takes a non-threatening step forward.]


[-But he sees the markings, so...]


soloriens November 4 2010, 00:37:27 UTC
[A ear twitches as he takes a step forward but she doesn't seem to be cautious of him, rather she's happily wagging her tail as she stuffs herself silly.

By him saying 'Wolf', she assumes that he sees her as what normal non-believers do. Which she didn't mind, really. But if he can see the markings, he can see the weapon on her back.]


blacknredrabbit November 3 2010, 23:56:39 UTC
[Simple annoyance. That is the only words to describe it? Who the hell could it be anyways? Anyone going through the kitchen is bad news unless it is seaweed head and she knows perfectly well he would not be cooking right now.]

Oi! [She was ready to yell until she saw...what she did not expect to see.]

Wh-what...You stupid dog! That's my food you know!


soloriens November 4 2010, 00:41:38 UTC
["Stupid dog"? Alice will be getting a huffy snort, ignoring her as she continues to feed herself. Amaterasu has no idea where she is but one thing is for sure: she's hungry.

Alice's house just so happened to be the nearest place she could find that smelled like it had a lot of food.]


blacknredrabbit November 4 2010, 01:23:59 UTC
[...Oh hell no Ammy that is her food.



soloriens November 4 2010, 01:28:34 UTC
[WOAH THERE, she jumps out of the way, crouched down and a little alarmed at the sudden kick.]


ishikawa_juusan November 4 2010, 00:29:04 UTC
The ronin was still knotting his obi when he shuffled sleepily into a little room largely reserved only for the storage of foods, jars, and tableware, boggling wide-eyed when he saw the wolf - and a white wolf at that - scarfing on a basket of fruit. No; not pure white... there were bold, elegant red markings on its fur almost akin to heroic kabuki facepaint, and over its back hovered a flaming disc like nothing he had ever seen before.

When the animal offered him an equally blank look with soulful eyes, a sense of humbled awe suffused him; and with it exuding a strong albeit graceful aura, he felt that he would be a fool to usher this stray wolf out of his home right away. It wouldn't hurt to share a bit of food with the hungry creature; fruits were inexpensive, after all.


soloriens November 4 2010, 00:47:19 UTC
Catching the expression of the young man, Amaterasu gave a longer stare before tilting her head slightly to the side. It would seem that this one could see her, see her for what she truly was. Jaws parted to swipe her tongue over her muzzle, to lick at the fruit juice that managed to get on her fur as she hungrily ate at the basket of fruit. Though there was no need to worry, she would be paying back somehow for eating his food.

Giving a small wag of her tail, she returned to finishing up the basket before it was empty and she nudged her nose in hope that more would appear. Alas, it did not magically restock itself. It could be best described as her having more than one stomach when it came to food. Glancing back to the young male she plopped onto her behind, a whine escaping her as she tilted her head once more.


ishikawa_juusan November 4 2010, 02:16:05 UTC
Goemon could only interpret the wolf’s gesture as one of expecting more food - but it requested more in such a gentle, patient way that it seemed as if it could have been domesticated. While he had found himself a traditional home to live in, or the closest thing to one, it was equipped with the simple, convenient luxuries of electricity and a small refrigerator; and peering into the fridge, he found leftovers from the night before: a few pieces of grilled, skewered fish - a good day's catch at the lake. The ronin retrieved a plate from a cupboard and placed a whole fish (roughly the length of a hand) onto it, but not before sliding the skewer free and tossing it. He could spare to share, much more with a creature that left such a profound, inexplicable impression on him. And meat, after all, was bound to be enjoyed far more by a wolf than fruit.


soloriens November 4 2010, 03:21:28 UTC
Ears immediately perk forward, nose twitching as she sniffed at the air and nearly began to drool at the smell of the fish. The tail behind her begins to sway just a bit more, seeming to have no problem with carrying the weapon upon her back- almost as though it wasn't even there, particularly weightless. She steps on closer, tongue lulling out as she then begins to lick at her muzzle. Fruit she can deal with but that right there did of course look a lot more appetizing, she will of course be sure to thank the man for being so kind as to offer some food. That is, once she's eaten.


soleilesque November 4 2010, 00:34:53 UTC
['sup god. Have god. But since Apollo doesn't have a kitchen, they can just meet in someone else's kitchen.

Sungod peering down curiously at you, Ammy.]

... where does all that food go, even?


soloriens November 4 2010, 00:50:56 UTC
[Too busy stuffing herself to really respond, however she does get that feeling that this person before her too is a God. At the moment Ammy is just a hungry wolf intent on stuffing herself. Though after a few more bites she lifts her head, curiously sniffing at Apollo.

At his question though she just licks her muzzle.]


soleilesque November 4 2010, 00:53:37 UTC
[Essentially crouching in mid-air, since it's too plebeian to crouch on the ground. But it's been a while since he's last seen another god. Not that he misses it, really. From his past company, there really wasn't anything to miss.

Still, though, he instinctively feels a sense of kinship with this particular one. And he's not sure why.]

Well? I've asked a question. You should now answer it.


soloriens November 4 2010, 01:16:01 UTC
[Floating, huh. She tilts her head at that, looking at the space like a easily-distracted canine. However she returns her gaze to him when he speaks again, which earns a small snort at his words. She doesn't enjoy being ordered to speak, but well she'll let it go out of her curiosity for this one.

She slips her pouch off, nosing around until she pulls out a paper and her ink-tipped tail dabs a little ink until she writes across it in very neat strokes.]

I just happen to have a very large appetite, food is very enjoyable.


aevitas November 4 2010, 01:01:07 UTC
The witch stared mutely down at the white wolf that had taken a slice of her pizza. Her yellow eyes narrowed, as she looked down at her, bending to reclaim her box, she could have that slice. Granted next time she'd better ask.

"Interesting markings, but that won't get you pizza for free. " She said in her usual monotone, bending down to stare at her, eyes slightly betraying her annoyance.


soloriens November 4 2010, 01:22:01 UTC
Oh? Another that could see her? Ears are perked forward, showing a doggy smile as she doesn't seem to mind the annoyance. She's propped on her behind now, wagging her tail as she licks her muzzle. Whatever that was it was really good, she tilts her head and whines to express her want of another.


aevitas November 4 2010, 01:26:04 UTC
C.C. frowned slightly, the immortal on her haunches, chewing on a slice before waving another in the air. "You could have asked, you know? " She drawled, Cheese-kun propped under her arm.

"Best come up with a good reason why I should consider giving a pizza-thief more pizza."


soloriens November 4 2010, 01:32:24 UTC
Amaterasu's eyes are watching the pizza being waved in the air, much like a bird's eyes targeting its prey. Her jaws are open, gaping at the delicious piece before she starts to drool at the sight.

She prefers eating first. She holds back from snapping at the waving piece, her stomach growling being the one to answer her question.


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