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[ACTION: FIRST DISTRICT, NORTH] chose_death August 29 2010, 02:25:55 UTC
[At the sign of the first tremble, an anticipatory, intuitive tingle struck Javert. He lifted his eyes to the castle with more than enough time to watch it get devoured - and he happened to be close enough, in the north end of the first district, to feel the tremor fully, bracing himself as best as he can against an undamaged wall while many of his men were thrown off their feet.

Compared to the dinosaurs, the murders, the sexual assaults, the beasts? This certainly ranks toward the top of Javert's most horrifying events witnessed list. But he can't say he is entirely surprised, when he still isn't completely convinced he hasn't fallen into his own post-suicide hell. Instead his initial response is an alert, grim resignation. But he is quick to leap to action even after a stunned silence throughout his encampment.]

Sanders! [He begins to bark orders to the Lieutenant of this division. The Inspector is resolved: he knows what he must do.] You will stay with the doctors! Weiss, Stanton, fetch three torches and five flares. [He grimaces and casts a sidelong, stern look to his officers] Hurry up! There isn't a moment to spare! You must follow my directions exactly.

[After all, the police had a whole band of men stationed around the castle. Any life that could be saved from that would be damn near divine intervention.]


rise_to_caesar August 29 2010, 02:38:15 UTC
[Akihiko had made his way to the site as quickly as possible, running towards the Inspector. He'd been called off duty only a short time ago and had been preparing to take his leave - but with the sudden tremors and appearance of this sink hole, he was going to be pulling overtime.

He throws a hand up in a brief salute to Javert.]

Where am I needed, Sir?


chose_death August 29 2010, 02:54:36 UTC
[Javert whips around to regard Akihiko gravely. He examines the young officer up and down, contemplating where he might be most useful. He frowns crookedly. He murmurs with distraction, as if he were thinking aloud,]

You have made yourself useful here. Your mutt, as well. [A pause. His expression darkens, as if realizing the merits of a rescue dog at the former crash site. He abruptly asks in a severe tone,]

You want to go to it. Why?


rise_to_caesar August 29 2010, 03:03:04 UTC
It's my duty as an officer to protect people. I want to help out in any way I can - no matter what the risk. I'm the only officer right now with a dog that responds to both my verbal commands and hand signals - if we aren't put to use soon, people could die.

[Akihiko steels himself, clenching his hands into fists as he stares ahead at his superior, eyes burning with determination.]

I'm not going to let that happen.


chose_death August 29 2010, 03:44:20 UTC
[Javert looks very, very displeased. Akihiko has voiced everything that has already zipped past the Inspector's own head, and as much as he'd like to spare one of his better young officers from disaster and probable death, his use at the crash site would be invaluable.

And there is one other reason, one that Javert would not consciously acknowledge, that prevents him from putting Officer Sanada's neck on the potential chopping block.

Just when the Inspector looks as if he will deny the request, he says,]


[He follows up sharply, without missing a beat,]

But I will not compromise you. You will explore the surrounding desert. You must not approach the center of it. Send the dog ahead if he sniffs out a head, not yourself.


rise_to_caesar August 29 2010, 12:28:17 UTC
Got it. I understand, Sir.

Should I bring a team along or do you want me tackling this solo?


chose_death August 29 2010, 20:27:42 UTC
Don't be ridiculous! You will wait until the others are assembled.

I will be coming, too.


rise_to_caesar August 31 2010, 02:11:06 UTC

[He whistles to call his dog over, Keibi racing over to the pair, clad in her police vest. She stands at attention by Akihiko's side, who in turn looks to Javert.]

I'm ready whenever you are, Inspector.


punchesbards August 29 2010, 02:48:30 UTC
[ By now Ezio was irritated, both from the lack of proper rest, and the argument with Abel before he arrived. He didn't want to be anywhere near this damn thing, not after watching the castle getting devoured by some unseen black, gaping mouth monster thing. Whatever the hell it could be called. The sinkhole and statue that replaced the destroyed castle were none to promising either. and in his short stay in Somarium, Ezio came to realize that approaching all the weird shit was probably a bad idea.

That being said, he was curious. God help him he was curious about what the hell that thing was, and what had just happened. Somehow his attempt to talk Abel out of going, resulted in him being dragged along for the adventure. He didn't want the guilt to hang over his head if something happened, and he could have prevented it. He wanted a closer look at the statue, and everything else. He needed to take notes while he was at it, so that's what he intended to do.

He was dragging his feet the entire time, sticking to the streets and walking like a normal human being, maybe jogging here and there, but nothing like his usual acrobatics. He arrived a good deal later than the inspector, and long after the initial castle-devouring.

Surprise surprise, he didn't even try and hide when he saw the other man there. He kept his distance though. not because of Javert, simply because of the mild hesitation in not really wanting to be devoured. He'd approach slowly, cautiously, all the while keeping an eye on the inspector. ]


chose_death August 29 2010, 03:18:39 UTC
[Javert, having managed to finally quit the police encampment (despite some... certain distractions) and arrive on scene at the mysterious new development in Saburra Desert, is writing quite diligently in a leather-bound black journal, small enough to fit in one of his overcoat pockets. A deep grimace is etched into his face; his rapid, frequent blinking and dark under-eye bags signaled over-exhaustion. For a lengthy stretch of silence, he appeared fully absorbed in his work.

Then, abruptly, as if he sensed the approach of the Italian, his head jolts up, cold gray eyes meeting Ezio's darker pair. Inspector Javert stops writing, the pencil hovering just above the page. He recognizes the man immediately, the darker hood and clothes a clear distinction from Altaïr's white garb.

A resigned, sour scowl twists at his lips grotesquely. He calls out to the man in a rough tone,]

Have you lost your head? Or was it never there from the start?


punchesbards August 29 2010, 03:26:26 UTC
[ Ezio just stared back, then shifted his gaze to the odd structure. One that he hadn't imagined to actually be a statue from the distance. In fact he could barely make out what the hell it had been from his previous location. he just knew he didn't want to go and see it--yet there he was. Blame peer pressure, or his curiosity, whatever, but he was there.

He turned to look back at the inspector, looking only less tired than the other man. Despite that, his eyes narrowed somewhat, lips curving up in a small smirk. ]

And what of you, Inspector? Yours must be rolling around somewhere in the sands then, si?


chose_death August 29 2010, 04:11:39 UTC

[It is accompanied by a quiet, terse scoff. He casts his gaze back down to his journal, resuming his writing in a much more deliberate, less frenzied pace. Despite his lack of sleep, his demeanor is impressively calm and cool, though his normally excellent posture sags the slightest bit. He sounds, for all the world, as if he were coldly discussing the weather in his authoritative, abrupt voice, and not a dire disaster, though he appears to be speaking more to his cravat than to the Italian man nearby.]

That was left behind, rather. In Paris.

[Imperiously, he demands over his journal,]

What are you doing here? There is nothing for you.


punchesbards August 29 2010, 04:29:36 UTC
[ Ezio laughed quietly. The man's tone actually made the comment funnier than it should have been. or maybe he was just tired and found everything hilarious, either way the laughter only lasted a moment before the Italian man lifted his head again. Despite himself, he took a few steps toward the ominous statue, eyeballing the glass surrounding it. He didn't dare take a step onto it yet, lest he fall to his most untimely death. ]

I came to make sure no one did anything stupid. [ another joke? Maybe. he actually had come to make sure a certain beast of a man didn't go crashing down into the dark abyss. He failed to include himself in that statement, something Javert would point out to him he was sure. So he said nothing more as he reached the edge of the glass, pulling one of the knives from his belt and throwing it against the surface.

He watched the tip collide with the sheet of glass, making no noticeable indentation before it ricocheted off and bounced halfway across toward the statue. ]

E ' solido. Bene. [ With that he takes one cautious step forward onto the glass. and nothing more for now. If the inspector wants to direct him, then by all means. ]


chose_death August 29 2010, 05:21:30 UTC
Never mind the rest. You are very keen on suicide to-day. Have you a death wish? Convincing suicides to alter their decisions is very annoying.

[Javert has personal experience with that, after all. And besides, he is of a mind that there is no point to salvaging suicides from their deed. They probably have a good reason for it, anyhow.

Until this point, Javert's heavy, lead-headed police cane has been tucked under his arm. When Ezio steps tentatively onto the glass, Javert arches a brow with a grimace, draws out the cane with one hand and swings it against the 'glass' surface near Ezio's booted feet.

There is a dull thwack. Otherwise, nothing happens.]


punchesbards August 29 2010, 05:33:32 UTC
[ He opened his mouth to answer, his focus still on the statue in front of him. Just as the words were to come out of his mouth, the loud thwack caught his attention. It was obviously unexpected, because the assassin twitched violently, whipping his head around to glare at the inspector. ] Il tuo barzellette sono peggio di Leonardo's

[ sighs, shaking his head and taking another tentative step onto the glass. He seemed a little less hesitant now, if only because stepping across the thing meant moving away from Javert. When he reached his knife, he slid it back into it's rightful position on his hip, head cocked back to stare at the massive statue.

...This was a good idea, why? ]

I would say this was magnificent, but considering the situation... [ he'd rather not. He glanced back again to the inspector. As if to say 'Don't do that shit again', then moved to reach out and touch the base of the statue lightly. ]


chose_death August 29 2010, 22:16:51 UTC
[Javert allows the Italian's startled grumble roll off of him and briefly casts his lids to the surface of the glass.]

The outer edge is solid, yes. But the center? Ah! Not tested yet--

[Until Ezio steps up to the statue. The Inspector tucks his cane back under his arm and goes about adding more notes to his journal page, adding in a mutter,]

But now it is. Your volunteerism and absolute idiocy is noted. Considering the company you keep, you don't surprise me.

[Once he finishes his quick lines of notes (because once Javert has managed to find himself a bed for the week, there is no telling whether he'd remember even the faintest of details considering his current mental state), his gaze shifts back up to the Italian Man, watching him carefully for his next move.]

Disaster doesn't preclude magnificence. Even the deadliest plague or the swiftest thieves can be... [Javert adds a pause for emphasis, his eyes glimmering darkly. He frowns,] magnificently efficient. If ugly business.


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