Cheshire ♥ 001

Jul 04, 2010 13:53

Who: alwaysacat and somarium.
Where: Espoir; central plaza
Style: First-cats live in the moment!
Status: Open, open, open.

In Which A Cat is in a Fountain )

road kamelot, rena ryuugu, cheshire cat (pandora hearts), xerxes break, diva, !location: espoir, sharon rainsworth, alice liddell (original)

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Comments 320

[1/?] charientisms July 4 2010, 19:03:25 UTC
[There is little to do in Somarium, and so they have made it routine to take walks, pleasant little things that also allow Break to find what is happening around Somarium without needing to leave his Lady's side.

And so they are out on a walk when something catches his eye.]


[2/?] charientisms July 4 2010, 19:04:43 UTC
[Wait, it's--]


[3/?] charientisms July 4 2010, 19:06:36 UTC

And he stops, placing his cane down on the ground and trusting Sharon to understand, even as he smirks yet again.]


[4/?] suppressedtime July 4 2010, 19:09:35 UTC
[She was looking elsewhere at the time, but as Break's footsteps stop and his cane makes contact with the surace of the ground, she pauses and turns to him.]



carnivalcat July 4 2010, 19:34:29 UTC
[.... 'sup buddy. New cat arrival, huh? Alright, alright, let's see what happens here. BORIS INVESTIGATION TIME.]

Soooo, I don't know what you've been told but I felt like you should know that whatever doesn't belong to someone else around here belongs to me. This world might be big enough for two cats, but I make no promises on being gracious.


[1/2] alwaysacat July 4 2010, 19:37:20 UTC
[Cheshire looks up at the new arrival and considers him. Another Chain, perhaps? Another possibly dead Chain.

And a cat. He's-- never actually seen another cat. In the blink of an eye he's very much in the stranger's personal space, red eye wide. Staring.]


[2/2] alwaysacat July 4 2010, 19:38:11 UTC
[And then he turns away. Licks the back of his paw. Disinterested.]

Cheshire isn't scared.


carnivalcat July 4 2010, 19:43:11 UTC
[.... what the hell was that. Well, whatever it was. It deserves a wack on the back of the head.]

Damn right he's not.


bigassmachete July 4 2010, 20:49:28 UTC
[Rena is passing through Espoir as per usual, trying to find something to do for the day. Nothing seems out of the ordinary today until something new by the fountain catches her eye.

It was a...boy? She comes a little closer to get a better look when she notices something very peculiar. His cat ears and tail. Seeing those two things any other thoughts she may have been having are thrown out the window because--]

Haaauuu~!! So cuuuuute!


alwaysacat July 4 2010, 20:51:23 UTC
[A sound and Cheshire darts back, hopping and crouching on the fountain's edge. His ears go flat against his skull as he inspects the stranger making-- unpleasant sounds.]

... Cheshire is cute?

[Had Alice ever called him cute? The word sounds familiar.]


bigassmachete July 4 2010, 20:54:23 UTC
[She nods a couple of times.]

Yes yes, you are~! Those ears you have make you look so adowable!


alwaysacat July 4 2010, 20:57:02 UTC
[He steps back onto level earth and strides closer to the strange-- girl thing. Right up in her face, in fact.]

Is this one of Alice's friends?

[Cheshire is under something of an obligation to kill Alice's new friends. Nothing personal, of course. They just pose a threat.]


sinnerofdreams July 4 2010, 21:06:23 UTC
[Road is out and about when something in the fountain catches her attention. She hops curiously onto the ledge of the fountain peering in to see Cheshire there. While it has been a while, she recognizes the cat that used to have tea with her, but he's looking a little worse for wear.]

Well, look what Somarium dragged in.


alwaysacat July 4 2010, 21:09:37 UTC
[Cheshire darts away and his foot dips back into the fountain. He shakes it. Ruffled, and perches on the ledge well out of arm's reach. Away from the strange girl.]

So... marum? Cheshire doesn't know what So-mar-um is.


sinnerofdreams July 4 2010, 21:14:14 UTC
So-mar-i-um. [Road pronounces it slowly for Cheshire with a little grin on her face. Oh, she's happy he's back, but she has a feeling that this isn't the Cheshire that was here before. Shame.]

It's a dream world and you've been here before~


alwaysacat July 4 2010, 21:17:01 UTC
[Cheshire stops. Blinks. Looks around. Back at the odd girl.]

Cheshire has never seen this place before. Cheshire doesn't dream.


madcuriosity July 4 2010, 21:49:06 UTC
Oh you poor dear. [Offers her hand out to him.] You need to be dried!


alwaysacat July 4 2010, 22:06:41 UTC
[Instead of taking the hand, Cheshire keeps his distance and gives the little girl a once-over. She's very young-- younger than Alice. Odd.]

Who is this? Cheshire doesn't know this girl.


madcuriosity July 4 2010, 22:12:16 UTC
My name is Alice, Cheshire Puss. [Another Cheshire? Did this one belong to the middle Alice? Pink Cheshire belonged to older Miss Alice, her Cheshire belonged to her. So... perhaps this one belonged to middle Miss Alice... or not at all she supposed. But an Alice was never without a Cheshire for long.[


alwaysacat July 4 2010, 22:14:22 UTC
[Another Alice? She looks more like that blonde boy that had taken a liking to wrecking Cheshire's house than either Alice he knows.]

Cheshire has to find Alice. Cheshire's Alice.


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