Cheshire ♥ 001

Jul 04, 2010 13:53

Who: alwaysacat and somarium.
Where: Espoir; central plaza
Style: First-cats live in the moment!
Status: Open, open, open.

[Cheshire's breaths are shallow, fluttering things that escape him in a series of pants. For the first time in his life, he feels like a beaten dog that can do little more than stumble over himself and smear heavy intakes and outtakes along his tongue. He's without one arm-without either leg-and sitting with his back to one of the mirrors he's too weak to take his escape through. Besides, if he can't beat a single Hatter, how is he ever to save his house and find Alice?

His eye, that red thing taken from the Hatter what feels and probably was ages ago, shuts for just one beat or maybe an eternity. Wetness is seeping all around him and Cheshire wasn't aware he was bleeding inches, but it occurs to him the liquid isn't warm. It's-he jolts upwards onto his feet. He has feet again and he's in a fountain and he's not in his house at all.

Another one of the Hatter's memories, perhaps, but he doesn't recall going through the mirror's surface. Dipping inside for safety's sake.

The world around him is unfamiliar and he no longer feels his connection to the Will or Alice or-anything. Shaking and rattling himself, he steps over the fountain's outer ridge and starts to clean compulsively. Both arms now accounted for and he can't sense any pain at all and he wonders if this is where Chains go if they die.

He didn't expect to be killed that easily. He didn't expect to die twice. If he takes a moment, he can tell there's a weight around his neck that shouldn't be there.

The core-his bell! Tied with a slash of red, red ribbon but, no. The weight is off. Something about it-he inspects the golden thing with his claws ever so delicately.

What an odd place. And not a Hatter or blonde-boy or Alice in sight (as of yet). Woe.]

road kamelot, rena ryuugu, cheshire cat (pandora hearts), xerxes break, diva, !location: espoir, sharon rainsworth, alice liddell (original)

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