Who: Tyr and
Where: Espoir
Style: Either
Status: Open
"Go!" Tyr shouted as stumbled out of a field, his back to the road, a scarecrow's rake still perusing his face until his feet landed on the road. Not that he would have realised the scarecrow would have stopped attacking him then; he landed with a final jab with his staff at the animated scarecrow that finally didn't just pass through the mass of straw and actually pushed the creature back into the field.
It was a great way to start the morning. ...Or day, going by how bright it was already. After taking a few more steps away from the field, he paused to look at were he had woken up. There was the wheat field - which left bits of the crop sticking to him and the rest of him dishevelled - some buildings, a river... By all appearances, just a completely normal farming town. A farming town he had never seen before. Giving a sigh, he accepted this wasn't going to be a relaxing day.