Mille 007

May 03, 2010 16:33

Who: Mille and Cain
Where: Mille's Church
Style: Whichever!
Status: Closed - Unless you want to jump in and then just IM me~

Lunch with Cain. Not that he really understood the need to thank him but he had come up with something that would work. After all, Mille liked the boy. He was very good at heart despite being lonely. He had to wonder how the boy was handling living here on his own. It must be a challenge for him.

All the more reason to interact with him more.

And thank him for the beautiful flowers that were now on display. The same color as his hair, he noticed.

Smiling, he finished making something for lunch (since he was the only one of the two of them who could cook) and listened for a knock on his door. Or for someone to enter. Whichever happened to come first.

!location: espoir, cain hargreaves, mille feuille

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