hermione. nine.

May 03, 2010 10:36

Who: Hermione and ANYONE
Where: The Library in Somni
Style: Either (but the mun likes first)
Status: OPEN (and totally overdue, no pun intended)

[She’s sitting at a table in the corner, except the table is covered with books and other objects that have fallen out of her bag. Some of the books are open. Ink is smeared across a scroll. And a potions bottle has kind of found its way halfway across the table. However, she’s not really focused on the open book in front of her, or the ink stains on her fingers… instead, she’s looking out the window. What is she thinking about? I guess you’ll have to ask.]

franziska von karma, dominic sorel, rena ryuugu, hisoka kurosaki, lavi, cain hargreaves, !location: library, mogget (yrael), spain (antonio fernandez carriedo), ace, hermione granger

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