Pharaun ○ 02

Feb 14, 2010 13:15

Who: Pharaun Mizzrym and anybody who'd like to stumble across him.
Where: Lake Meridian, just after sunset.
Style: You can pick; I started in third.
Status: Open like a bar at midnight

With just one blink of an eye, like magic, magic, magic )

!location: lake meridian, maglor, pharaun mizzrym

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lindale_tano February 14 2010, 19:56:33 UTC
Maglor found himself drawn to the lake; it was the most familiar, the most similar to his silent purgatory of forever wandering by the sea. It was not the same, no, for it would never be the same. He was no longer in Middle-earth, no longer home, and in a place where so much was new and unusual to him, the familiar, even if bad, was reassuring.

So he was wandering by the shore of the lake, small harp tucked beneath his arm when his sharp eyes caught...movement?

Normally, Maglor would have ignored it, perhaps detouring to avoid it. But things had changed some since he had arrived here in Somarium. And so instead, he walked closer, feet light on top of the snow, leaving no footprints behind him.


lorith_phor February 14 2010, 20:06:40 UTC
Only by chance had Pharaun noticed another being approaching. As night fell, his vision shifted into the infrared, and as he turned his head slightly move a piece of hair behind his ear, the wizard happened to notice the glare heat signature of an approaching person.

He paused, not ready yet to cast his next spell anyway, and turned to face the person full on as they approached. Were it not for the fact that he had turned his head, Pharaun would never have known another was there. He watched the other person intently, not taking his red eyes off of the figure. Though his appeared relaxed, Pharaun readied a defensive spell, bringing to mind the words he would need to defend himself if it became necessary.


lindale_tano February 14 2010, 20:13:19 UTC
He had not even considered what effect his approach might have had; it had been a long time since Maglor had truly been around people, and so he had quite forgotten that not all people could easily hear his approach. Still, it seemed the other had noticed him.

The elf paused for the briefest of moments. Why was he doing this? Maglor's punishment had been his solitude, and now...Now he was breaking that.

...But he had never seen a being quite like this one, so after a moment, he quietly broke the silence.

"Greetings to you, hír...?"


lorith_phor February 14 2010, 20:25:45 UTC
A surface elf! Pharaun's eyes narrowed slightly and his body tensed a little. One hand moved to rest just in front of the hand crossbow sheathed at his hip, and he stared in silence for a moment. Why hadn't the elf attacked? Was it waiting for more of its kin to corner him? Pharaun glanced around, not noticing any forms with his heat-sensing eyes. That didn't mean they weren't there though; surface elves were talented at hiding from drow.

The elf spoke to him, and Pharaun had to wonder if something wasn't right. Any elf from his world would have shot him on site, but this one seemed content to not start anything. It had to be a trick. Pharaun decided to play along and see if he could draw out the treachery without lowering his guard.

"Pharaun," he answered, his voice equally soft, though his tone was guarded. "And you are...?"


lindale_tano February 14 2010, 20:38:36 UTC
Maglor noted the tensing with some confusion. He was hardly a threat at this point in time; he had his sword, yes, but he had not raised it against another in a very, very long time. There was little reason for the other to react in such a way, or so he thought.

He halted, respecting his wariness and guardedness and responded, "I am known as Maglor."

He paused, tilting his head slightly, but otherwise made no move to either step forward or speak again. Instead, he inspected the other and attempted to figure out both what he was and why he was suddenly so wary.


lorith_phor February 14 2010, 20:51:21 UTC
The seemingly confused reaction was unexpected. This was unlike any elf Pharaun had ever run into. Nobody was shooting at him (with missiles magical or mundane), elves were not chasing him, and so far, this elf had not threatened him with death. Could it be they were elves from different planes? Any elf from Toril would have reacted with fear, anger, or violence.

Pharaun frowned, confused. It was a feeling the wizard both liked and disliked. Confusion meant there was a new puzzle to solve, after all, but when it came to his own safety, it wasn't really something he considered a good thing.

"Where are you from?" he asked, trying to figure out what was going on. "Are you from Toril?"


lindale_tano February 14 2010, 20:58:23 UTC
It seemed the confusion was mutual, and that merely baffled Maglor more. Not only had he never seen anyone quite like this, it seemed the other expected something from him, perhaps...a fight? He was not going to give it to him, though, not unless he was forced to protect himself.

Maglor had learned the hard way, and he was not going to stain his hands with more blood.

'Toril', though...He had never heard that name. The elf paused, frowning slightly. "No. I am from Arda." He cited the elvish name for Middle-earth, for he had no town or home now.


lorith_phor February 14 2010, 21:10:11 UTC
Arda? That was a place he had never heard of before. It had a distinctly elvish sound to it. Pharaun relaxed slightly, his hand moving a little away from his hand crossbow. Perhaps then, this one didn't know anything of his heritage. It made since, considering his reaction.

"Where is that?" Pharaun asked him. He was intrigued as well as concerned. "I have never heard of a place by that name."


lindale_tano February 14 2010, 21:16:11 UTC
'Never heard of'--

That got a bit of a surprised reaction out of the elf. Maglor blinked, and then once more. "You have not heard of Middle-earth?" he asked, this time using the more known name for his world, the name in the common tongue.

Really, he was baffled. That would imply...

"Are you from Valinor?" he asked, quiet again. Perhaps this odd elf had simply never been beyond the land of the elves and the Valar?


lorith_phor February 14 2010, 21:19:13 UTC
Was this some kind of trick? Pharaun rested his hands on his hips, where he could easily get to the pockets of his piwafwi, the magical cloak he wore over his robes. The look he gave Maglor was one of utter cluelessness.

"I have never heard of that place. I am from the Underdark of the continent of Faerûn, on the world of Toril, which resides on the Prime Material Plane." Would that help, perhaps? Pharaun didn't think so. Despite all his experience with planar travel, he had never heard of a place named Valinor or Middle-earth.


lindale_tano February 14 2010, 21:28:04 UTC
The look Maglor gave Pharaun in return was the same. When he spoke, it was mostly to himself, though still quiet. "I have never heard of such places, despite my years of travel..."

Finally, he simply sighed. He supposed it was possible that Ilúvatar had created other world as well...? It was not something the elf had considered before, but from what he was hearing now...Perhaps it was possible? He could not imagine what reason Pharaun would have to lie to him.

But he was forgetting his manners. It had been so long since he had had to use them, but his father-- no, his mother would have been displeased to learn that he was not offering the courtesy that was expected of the House of Fëanor.

So he placed a hand over his heart and bowed slightly. "Well met, Pharaun."


lorith_phor February 14 2010, 21:40:18 UTC
The sight of what appeared to be a surface elf bowing to him startled Pharaun. His eyes widened a little in shock and he glanced around quickly, expecting to see some sort of arrow flying at him. But none came, and he slowly relaxed. Pharaun would not return the bow, but he did incline his head slightly and return the greeting.

"Well met, Maglor."

Pharaun glanced to the illusory image of himself next to him, then back at the elf. "You do not mean to attack me then?" he asked, trying to sort this all out for himself.


lindale_tano February 14 2010, 22:00:05 UTC
Maglor had not been expecting a bow in return--kinslayer, forever cursed, dispossessed--so he merely nodded, slightly smiling.

He also payed a glance to the illusion, and, not knowing what to make of it at all, turned back to Pharaun.

Maglor's lips tightened, and his voice was solemn when he responded, "No, I do not intend to do such a thing."

He hesitated, and then continued, voice simply curious, "Why would I?"


lorith_phor February 14 2010, 22:27:01 UTC
That cinched it for Pharaun - this elf probably had no idea about his race, his reputation... anything at all. He relaxed (though he kept the defensive spell close, just in case), and laughed softly. "Do not concern yourself with it. I confused you with the surface elves of my own world."

Well, at least he was safe. In Pharaun's own opinion, his personal safety was slightly more important than his pride, and in this case, he was glad to be incorrect.

"I have no quarrel with you then," he assured the other.


lindale_tano February 14 2010, 22:40:25 UTC
Elves of a different world...That was somehow very reassuring. Someone who would not know who Maglor was, not matter what name he gave, or of the things he once did. He was safe from his past here...But he was hardly safe from the guilt.

Still, Maglor smiled at the other's laugh and nodded. "I see. Nor do I have any quarrel with you."

He was uncertain if it would be rude or not, but he had to admit that, having never seen anyone quite like Pharaun, he was curious. And so Maglor asked, tone cautious and respectful, "If I may are not an elf, are you?"


lorith_phor February 14 2010, 22:54:03 UTC
Relief entered into the drow's face, and he stood down a little... until Maglor's question registered in his mind. Offended, Pharaun scoffed slightly and turned his head slightly so that his long, pointed and pierced ears were more clearly visible to the other elf.

"Of course I'm elf," he said. "Do you not have dark elves where you come from then? Have you never seen anything like this before?"

Pharaun gestured to himself, and rested his right hand on his hip, his left hanging at his side.


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