Pharaun ○ 02

Feb 14, 2010 13:15

Who: Pharaun Mizzrym and anybody who'd like to stumble across him.
Where: Lake Meridian, just after sunset.
Style: You can pick; I started in third.
Status: Open like a bar at midnight

Pharaun had been sitting on the edge of the lake for hours now, enjoying a bit of silent meditation and fresh air. The open sky over his head was still a strange and uncomfortable feeling for him, and one that the wizard struggled to ignore as he eyed the beauty laid out before him. It wasn't not quite dark enough yet to use infrared vision, but the picture that the dim glow of dusk cast over the lake was beautiful enough that he didn't mind the sting that the glow gave to his sensitive red eyes.

After a few more moments of sitting quietly, the wizard stood and stretched nimbly. He might be a spell-caster, but his lithe form was graceful by default, a benefit of having been born as an elf. There was another advantage to the stretching; it gave Pharaun a chance to get a covert look around and see if anybody was watching him. Detecting nobody, Pharaun decided he would give it a go at examining the lake and surrounding area with magic, as well as if there was any effect on his own magic. Though not as good as his master, Gromph Baenre, Pharaun was fairly talented with this field of magic himself. If he could but get a glimpse of the dweomers about this place, perhaps he could gain some insight into what was trapping them all in this strange plane. He took a moment to decide which spells he wanted to test, considered whether or not he had the necessary foci and components, and nodded to himself.

A deep breath steadied the wizard, and one final glance around reassured him that he was (most likely) alone. The wizard pulled a bit of fleece from his pocket and chanted softly, moving his arms in the necessary gestures to cast a spell. Though the gestures were somewhat large, Pharaun moved gracefully - far more so than a human would have ever been capable of doing. He tuned out his surroundings slightly as he focused on shaping and crafting the Weave into what he needed. It wasn't a good idea to get so distracted in so vulnerable a place, he knew, but in a world of strangers and stranger experiences, it felt like Mystra's Weave was all the normalcy he had left. Next to him appeared a silent illusion of himself. Pharaun turned to examine it and nodded, pleased. Now he could focus on what would happened - the things he might discover! - so long as nobody interrupted him.

!location: lake meridian, maglor, pharaun mizzrym

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