Austria :: 008 (Forward dated to Valentine's Day)

Feb 13, 2010 16:37

Who: Austria and Hungary
Where: their house, then out and about later, probably.
Style: Either
Status: closed? IDK.

According to Austria, Valentine's Day is the day that men are obligated to go out and purchase gifts for the women in their lives, not that he actually minded, though. Despite being as cheap as he is when it came to spending money, he didn't mind purchasing small gifts for Hungary. However, that was how he felt back home. Here in Somarium, that was a different story entirely. Though he had been in Somarium for around a year now, Austria was still quite prone to getting lost, and without Germany here to go and get him whenever he did get lost (since he couldn't ask Hungary to go with him to buy a gift for her), he was not too keen on the idea of wandering around without a guide. Naturally, Austria settled on a safer alternative. After all, surely baking a cake for Hungary himself was far more thoughtful (and cheaper, too) than buying a cake for her.

The cake--or cakes, to be more precise, since he could not decide which would better suit the occasion--had been prepared the evening before, and he did risk getting lost to obtain flowers for Hungary. Austria had made sure to get only the best looking flowers for today; he had a bouquet of roses for Hungary and, though they were not a traditional Valentine's Day flower, a vase of Tulips in the dining room, simply because they were her national flower and he thought she might appreciate them. After checking one last time to make sure everything looked nice, Austria, bouquet of roses in hand, walked up stairs to his and Hungary's bedroom, where he was fairly certain she would still be getting dressed.

"Hungary?" he called out, knocking on the door with his free hand. "Are you decent?"

austria (roderich edelstein), hungary (elizaveta héderváry), !location: espoir

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