Who: Maka, Soul, Ace
Where: Somni residential district
Event-based location: ... Depends on who you're asking. (which means Death City for two of them, the Country of Hearts for the crazy dude).
Style: Third
Status: Closed? idk if you want in hit one of us up.
in this city of devils we live. )
So for now, they were safe.
"I can walk," she further added. "He isn't close by."
"I think we've had enough random chaos already, so hopefully the day's already done its worst." Soul let out a rather impressive sigh. "Anyway, it's probably better that we do something about the blood before anything else magically happens to us."
She really had to wonder how she could lose so badly. Wasn't she stronger than this?
"Yeah," Maka agreed anyway with a defeated sigh. "There's still nobody around. We'll be okay."
She wanted to sound like this was a good thing, but still seeing Death City completely deserted was still getting to her. Maka just wanted to see someone-- anyone-- around who would know what to do, and who knew what was going on already.
"I just thought of something." Soul frowned slightly. "Even if we can't see anyone, shouldn't we still be able to get in touch with Shinigami? It's not like he can leave."
"You're right," she replied. "We have to call him."
Once she finished quickly glancing around their surroundings, Maka pointed towards the closest building with windows. Since they didn't have a mirror on them, any reflective surface would be the next best thing.
"Over there," she instructed. "That will work, right?"
The numbers remained for a moment before fading, as expected, but the accompanying ring simply didn't come. Soul quirked an eyebrow. Malfunctioning mirror?
"What the--?!" Soul made no effort to disguise the horror in his voice. "He's actually not there. Now that the hell do we do?"
Now with their trump card rendered useless, Maka was beginning to feel a little hopeless; the only person they saw so far had just tried to kill them, which only made her suspicious he had something to do with all this, and yet even he didn't reveal a thing.
It was back to square one, only they were in an even worse position now. Maka only leaned back against the window, eyes downcast to the ground in thought. "I don't know-- where should we go? If he's not nearby, there has to be someone else out there."
Just as long as they didn't have any ill intents, she would be more than happy to come across them.
"But..." Maka trailed off, looking a little guilty. "I need to sit down, at least for a little bit."
It was simply starting to look as though the two of them had an amazing penchant for landing in bad situations. This wasn't the first time Soul could remember them being in over their heads--after all, that fight with Chrona had been pretty scary. Soul wasn't the type of person who was interested in making sure his insecurities were know, though, so for now, he would just have to rely on putting up an indifferent front. It was better than the alternative of, say, panicking.
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