Vyers 002

Apr 27, 2009 11:44

Who: Vyers and anyone silly enough to listen to him:-D
Where: Somni City
Style: Really not too worried.
Status: Very much open.

Warning: May contain wannabe Overlord )

*overlord, crona, frederic francois chopin, !location: somni, haku, waka, vyers, bakura, danny fenton

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phantomfenton April 27 2009, 01:50:37 UTC
Danny's standing off to one side, having somehow been at the right (?) place and time to hear the whole thing.

He thinks about the call-to-arms for a moment, folding his arms. Hmm, should he really join forces with an egotistical, annoying wierdo from some random world against the powerful, ghostly Overlord of Somarium?

There's no question at all, really. "Pass!"


dreamingadonis April 27 2009, 02:12:56 UTC
[It takes Vyers a second, but he does recall the boy, one of the first people he had met in this world. Somehow it wasn't surprised that he'd refused - he hadn't seemed to quite grasp Vyers' noble qualities.]

Pass? You would truly pass on such an opportunity to be the vassal of one such as moi? Surely, you must have a good reason for such a blatent dismissal!


phantomfenton April 27 2009, 02:24:10 UTC
Indeed, Danny seems about as receptive to the demon's 'noble qualities' as a brick wall.

"Yeah. For one thing, there's nothing wrong with the Overlord we have now." Aside from her being creepy, possibly capable of dreaming up monsters, and living-challanged, of course.


dreamingadonis April 27 2009, 12:23:53 UTC
Nothing? I would beg to differ! What if this world was to suddenly be invaded by one of the many Netherworlds? I assure you, this is quite possible, and strong, visible leadership would be useful - indeed, required for survival!

[Such a strong argument! The boy must be at least somewhat swayed.]


phantomfenton April 28 2009, 03:46:39 UTC
He raises an eyebrow. "I hear weird monster things already tried to invade Somarium. Unless there's something I'm missing, Somarium's still standing." Oh yeah, that's really swayed. Not.


dreamingadonis April 28 2009, 03:49:31 UTC
[Vyers can raise eyebrows too, and does so.]

Interesting. So the Overlord is aware of where these monsters came from, and has taken steps to ensure this invasion is not repeated?


phantomfenton April 28 2009, 03:58:25 UTC
His eyebrows lower, now that they've lost the advantage.

"Um... Well, I'm pretty sure everyone knows where the monsters came from, and I'm guessing that she has." Damn, he's losing ground! Then again, the guy kind of has a point: none of those facts really make the Overlord look very good.


dreamingadonis April 28 2009, 04:09:12 UTC
'Pretty sure?' 'You guess?' I am afraid you do not sound confident. Either the Overlord has taken steps to ensure the safety of this world, or they have not.

[He's actually looking serious for once.]

I do not deny that I seek this role partly for my own sake. I am a demon lord, after all - one might almost say ambition is a pre-requisite. But I do desire the safety of this world as well. It is my duty as a true nobleman to do all I can to ensure it.

[Amazing! His words almost bring tears to his own eyes, such is the emotion they stir. What's more amazing is that he actually means it.]


phantomfenton April 28 2009, 04:23:27 UTC
Danny's looking a little deffensive, here. "Okay. I'm really sure everyone who knows about them knows where they're from, but I don't know what she's done to make sure it doesn't happen again or stuff. That doesn't mean she hasn't done anything, though."

The solemnity of Vyer's words actually makes Danny frown uncomfortably, not finding any flaw in his arguement.

Since when does Danny want to deal with any of this, though? Ideas of overthrowing the current more-or-less-peacable overlord for an arrogant weirdo like Vyer clash heavily with his morals and ideals, even if everything Vyer's saying might have the tiniest bit of good reasoning behind it. Therefore, Danny pulls out his easiest, quickest weapon: "... Yeah, uh--sorry for not supporting your campaign to 'rule the world' or anything, but I'm just a kid. I don't know anything about this." Ha! Take that, fancy-talking-demon-dude!


dreamingadonis April 28 2009, 04:31:51 UTC
[The boy certainly argues well, there was no doubt of that. Not as well as Vyers, of course, but he could be taught.]

It is an Overlord's duty to make sure their vassals know they are protected. This lack of any obvious action on the part of your current Overlord is one of the prime reasons I stand here today. No purpose is served by failing to provide reassurance.

[Hmph. Like he's going to let you get away with it that easily. That over-done attitude of his isn't all there is to him, and he's more observant than you might think.]

Child or not, you reside here, and thus this concerns you. Tell me, young man - has being a child truly prevented you from becoming involved in serious issues in the past?


phantomfenton April 28 2009, 04:43:37 UTC
Danny shrugs and shifts uncomfortably, not meeting the man's eyes. After all, he kind of does want some kind of reassurance that it won't happen again; come on, undefeatable nightmare monsters wanting to terrify/kill people? Who wouldn't to feel safe from them!

The teenager may suck at all forms of direct lying, but he's gotten pretty darn good at the art of half-answering. "My teachers are always giving me detention for stuff in and out of class. Would they be able to do that if I were an adult?"


dreamingadonis April 28 2009, 04:48:32 UTC
[A skillful diversion, but not enough! It appeared he was getting through to the boy. Good! Vyers was not hesitant in pressing his advantage.]

You are avoiding the point of my question. If you were an adult, I agree you would have more freedom. But even though you are young, you have responsibilties that many adults would shy from...do you not?

[He meets Danny's gaze calmly. If the boy didn't give way this time, Vyers might have to give in. A hunch was only a feeling, after all.]


phantomfenton April 28 2009, 13:02:46 UTC
Unfortunately, the hunch was good enough that Danny is mentally scrambling to regain his foothold. How much does Vyers know? Is the man just guessing, or does he have some freaky soul-gazing ability, or has he seen something he shouldn't, or...

Danny avoids meeting the man's even gaze, folding his arms and hunching a little in not exactly guilt-free body language. "... What are you trying to get at? I still don't want to get involved in overlord politics or anything..."


dreamingadonis April 28 2009, 22:48:13 UTC
[Aha! And once again, Vyers' incredible skills have paid off handsomely.]

I am simply suggesting that being a child does not prevent you from becoming involved in such things. You seem to have some interest in the welfare of others...I would suggest that whether you wish to get involved or not, you shall be.

[He's looking slightly sympathetic now.]

Dear boy, I do not wish you to fight the current Overlord or your fellow citizens, if that is what you are concerned about. I simply wish for your support.


phantomfenton April 29 2009, 00:47:19 UTC
Danny stares at the ground, nudging a rock with one shoe, and then the other. The idea of being dragged into trouble just for trying to help isn't new to him, but he doesn't like how smoothly Vyers is connecting him to the idea.

In fact, he's finding several details about the man's words that he's not liking. The grace with which he's talking, the phrase 'dear boy', the constant air of culturedness--each thing reminds him of a certain disliked fruit-loop from back home. The mere hints of similarities are enough to keep him on alert, even though so far Vyers actually hasn't done anything to earn his distrust.

Danny glances up cautiously, still not actually meeting his gaze. "What do you mean, 'support'?"


dreamingadonis April 29 2009, 13:37:49 UTC
((OOC: You're making me want to go read up on Danny's canon^^))

[Danny's nervousness was slightly worrying - he did not want to cause the boy distress, simply to make his point. Perhaps it would be best to make it clear what he required, and see what resulted.]

My meaning? Simply this. Should I confront the current Overlord and take their place, would you be willing to acknowledge me as the new Overlord of this world?


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