Who: Shikamaru and Ino
Where: The plaza in Espoir a.k.a. Ino's hangout
Style: Either
Status: Closed!
It was a well-known fact that Ino hated waiting. Whether she was waiting for something to arrive on her doorstep or for someone to come meet her somewhere, she couldn't stand to sit around and do nothing; she was, after all, above that kind of
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But besides that, was he actually... demanding her to do something? Her scowl only grew larger. He may have been the brains of their little three-man cell, and yes, she listened to him when the time called for it, and yet having anyone bark orders at her--besides her superiors--was something Ino did not like. Even if what he was asking was perfectly sensible, which it certainly was, she still didn't care for it. If anyone was going to be demanding, it was going to be her.
"Excuse me?" she huffed; she was going to wind up answering questions, she knew, and the sooner they were asked, the sooner they would be over with, but... she wasn't about to let him get away with ordering her around. Not there, ( ... )
...Well, he kind of deserved it. In the back of her mind, she knew that she was only making a bad situation worse for him; after all, waking up and finding himself in that crazy place? Hearing her tell him that Asuma-sensei was supposed to be dead? It certainly couldn't be easy for him, even if he somehow managed to always roll with the punches and keep his stupid lazy demeanor.
And it was also easy to spot the fact that he was trying to do as she had told him to, although his idea of "asking politely" was anything but her own. He clearly was only attempting it because he wanted information, but it was still a start.
And she did want to get everything out of the way ( ... )
His plan had been to let Ino pick what to tell him first off, considering that this would probably be a lot harder for her than him. She was the one who went through all this tragedy after all, especially considering that one of those tragedies was the death of their squad leader. Should he still let her have that option? Or would it take too long? The way he was beginning to see it, it would be all the easier to just explain what he wanted to know. But she could always take that as more commanding than he would have intended. Well, this was life or death (or so he hoped), so he figured that he might as well take is chances ( ... )
But hearing that Shizune was taken down... That shook him a bit. How many more of their ninja would they lose? Obviously, it was a given that something like that was bound to happen. But to think that someone he knew would be gone in an instant, it was difficult to think. What was Chouji doing when this happened? And if his theory about his time differences was accurate, what was he doing during all this? If Ino was working with her father, it was understandable that he and Chouji would have seen it to be suitable to leave her. And yet... what if it was Ino that had been killed ( ... )
But this was what made them teammates, he figured. They argued, they bickered, but they had to admit that they really did depend on each other when the time came for it. Even though that was becoming considerably less frequent as they spent time in different places. Nonetheless, her comment didn't fail to irk him. Who was she to talk about being annoying? He knew to expect an argument eventually. ... Though argument wasn't always the term to use. They could turn into one-sided shouting sessions just as easily ( ... )
However, Ino was not any other person.
"You have some nerve, you jerk!" she snapped, glaring up at him. There were some things that she could live with; however, he wasn't about to just slide by after he had the gall to insult her. There was, after all, an unspoken rule of their team that everyone had to abide by: Ino could insult anyone she wanted, but no one could insult her. "You just got here, and you're already treading on thin ice!"
Letting out what was perhaps the huffiest huff ever known to man, she turned away from him, haughtily flipping back her ponytail once more. "I mean, I know that no one can copy me, but it's not because I'm troublesome; it's because no one can ( ... )
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