Leo ~ [OO7]

Dec 18, 2011 19:12

Who: Leo and you~
Where: Shopping district.
When: 12/18
Style: Action, if you please.
Status: OPEN.

[Despite having had time, and nothing to do but read, he kind of regrets venturing outside. He could have been reading instead after all! It's rather slippery, and he's not greatly fond of the cold either, but.

Ah, now that he's outside already, he doesn't want to give up just because of some ridiculous obstacles. He really wonders why he's doing this for Noel, though... Is she really worth it?


Oh well. He'll just sweep his bangs aside to see better, and keep an eye out for any slippery spots, as he makes his way through the streets looking for a shop that seems promising.]

((OOC: Catch him in the streets or some shop, whichever you wish! He's more likely to step into shops that are either small or seem to sell fun or special things (not clothes or furniture, particularly. Books work though!). And if there's an issue with a tag, I'll contact you, or if you wonder, you can contact me. xD))

!location: somni, leo, elliot nightray

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