Rory Williams - [001]

Nov 17, 2011 15:53

Who: Rory Williams and somarium
Where: Espoir, somewhere between the graveyard and the chapel
Style: Either, I'll match
Status: Open!

At first he thinks he's in a park. That is, until he notices the headstones. In a second, he's on his feet and looking around for any signs of life. The last thing he remembers is being on the TARDIS with Amy and the Doctor. And now...graveyard. He figures that it's not out of the realm of possibility that he'd been transported here somehow, but wouldn't that mean they should be here too? Otherwise...maybe he'd passed out and was taken here. He's not sure which is worse. He looks down at one of the headstones then walks out of the graveyard, continuing his search. It's no use waiting around here for someone to talk to.

If pressed, he'd describe the village as quaint, quiet. A normal village. It even reminds him a bit of Leadworth in the way that all small villages remind him of Leadworth. There's something about it seems not entirely earthly, though. He pushes out and exasperated breath and calls out for the Doctor and Amy, knowing that if he was here, the Doctor would probably be listing all the ways to prove that this isn't Earth, starting with the direction the wind is blowing and probably ending with how the rotation of the orbit is ten degrees off Earth normal.

"Amy! Doctor!" When he gets no response after a few tries, he squints up and the cloudy sky then lifts two fingers to his carotid artery, checking his own pulse. It's steady, if a little elevated, so he can at least be sure that he's not dead. Well, fairly sure. He pulls his phone from his pocket, but it's...not his phone. Odd. When dialing Amy's number does nothing, he sighs and shoves it back into his pocket. That was a long shot anyway.

"Okay...Alone on a strange world. At least it looks friendly." Rory doesn't have high expectations for it actually being friendly. Something had probably brought him here and his experience doesn't give him all that much hope that whatever or whoever it is has good intentions. He spots a chapel sitting peacefully on the other side of the park and decides to walk for it, hoping there'll be someone there who can tell him where he is and why he's here.

rory williams, !location: espoir, arisa uotani

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