
Jul 20, 2011 23:52

Who: Clovis and Souji
Where: Roving around Som!
What: The date that isn't a date; head hurt yet?
Style: Third (but feel free to switch it up.)
Status: Closed

What Happens when Frenimies take on the town... )

clovis la britannia, souji okita (hakouki)

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failedprince August 3 2011, 01:05:57 UTC
"It would be unfortunate for a prince to not look his best always." Clovis lightly tugged on his cravat, tugging out any wrinkles that happened to be in the material.

"I shall hope that it is, and if it isn't, well, that is the trials that I must overcome." His hand made a dramatic gesture at his side whilst his other settled upon his heart to show that he would just soldier on through if things became too difficult.

The prince was thinking of calling this whole thing off, but he remembered what both Lelouch and Schneizel told him. It would be unfortunate if he were to dismiss someone as that would bring a bad name to his family -- this he continued to remind himself every few minutes like he had forgotten. He sniffed the air in an indignant manner. (If breathing can be given such a tone.) But he understood that it would be unfortunate if he showed any face that was not the proper one -- polite and charismatic. That was the kind of prince that people wanted, yes? Of course, yes. And appearances were something that Clovis prided himself upon, after all.

He stared at the raised arm and resisted having his mouth fill with air, allowing his face to look like some chipmunk's at the gesture. Breathe. Flipping his hair back, he took a step forward and lightly settled his on holding onto Souji's arm. "What a gentleman. And here I thought that with your background that you would have no manners whatsoever." Yet despite his annoyance, he couldn't say that he hated the other anymore. He really couldn't.

If anything, it felt like the same irritation that he felt toward Odysessus whenever his older brother did not tell him exactly what it was that he liked about his paintings -- just that it was nice. "Nice" was death and agony to an artist. But he would always forgive his brother and feel an odd patience in his annoyance. He didn't know any better and so he shouldn't be upset. Somehow, he was relating the same feelings to Souji.



fukuchou August 3 2011, 04:27:25 UTC
"Mn? But look your best always, and all you're doing is looking perfectly the same as ever. " He quipped. Impossible to always be at one's best; and if it were possible, how boring~ "So I'll just assume you look better than usual, in honor of our outing."

For which, Souji assumed, Clovis had chosen this outfit especially for. The bib he had tucked into his collar must be for food, rather than fashion; why else would someone choose to look like a bird with is mouth and breast all puffed up? Foreigners were an eccentric lot, but he could maybe see the usefulness in it.

Snorting lightly at the last comment and shaking his head, a half-grin would lilt one side of his mouth as Clovis deigned to take his arm. "I thought I mentioned I was a Lord. They do lash manners into our tongues, even in the heathen land of Japan." Here, the smirk grew, becoming impish-- he'd pick up a hand, and very lightly, tugged on one of the cheeks Clovis had puffed out in indignation. "Better than you, with all that pouting just now." Teased, as ever. Jokes were Souji's way, with friends and enemies. The nature of his witticisms changed with how he felt about the person; with Clovis, gradually, they'd become less sharp, more yielding, their nature a tad more friendly and less sour. ...For the moment, anyway.

And since Clovis had taken his arm, Souji began to walk now, leading the way, and keeping his eye out for puddles. Any chance to fluster Clovis on his own terms was one he'd gladly take.


failedprince August 3 2011, 22:14:00 UTC
"It would be rude not to look my best." His head gave a slight tilt to the side, allowing his hair to give another flick. He did, however, take some pride that the other was saying that he always appeared perfect -- even though, he was fairly certain that he should not.

A huff stopped in his throat as he allowed himself to smile kindly at Souji. A lord? Like a lord from a place other than Britannia can be considered a lord. He closed his eyes as he tilted his head just a little higher. Then realized in doing so, even with his head as it was, he barely passed the other's shoulder. Turning his head violently to the side, he let out the huff of air. No, this is not bothering me. "I am very glad to hear that, Souji."

A beat. "And I am not pouting." His hand came to press lightly against his cravat down. "There is hardly any reason to pout, right?" He turned his head back toward Souji as he walked with him, steps careful and sure. Still, he did watch out for puddles as he rather would not like to run into them -- these boots were new.


fukuchou August 3 2011, 22:39:33 UTC
Well, someone had discovered manners. It was a little surprising, really. Clovis was either doing his utmost to play the part of a good actor, or he'd located some kernel of actual goodwill. While Souji banked on the former, it was still an impressive show.

Whether or not, therefore, he was actually glad to hear anything Souji had to say, he played nice since Clovis was and offered a warm laugh in return. "Thank you."

"You are too pouting." He argued however, directly after, laughing again despite himself this time. "Nervous~? Or just that put out for having to do this?" He asked finally, honestly. Clovis continually was playing with his bib, looking around, and swallowing gulps of air that might have been born as suffering sighs, had he let go of them. Souji might not be refined, but he'd always prided himself on being irritatingly observant, after all.

Luckily for Clovis and his distaste for mud, the cafe was not far at all.


failedprince August 5 2011, 00:31:32 UTC
"You're welcome."

Clovis huffed as he would not say more about his pouting. Which he would, even to himself, say that he was not doing. If he would put a description to it, it would be something along the lines of how he was being regally upset about certain words and gestures which have been carried out by Souji. "I'm hardly put out. I said that I would go on a date and a prince always adheres to whatever promises that he makes, regardless of who the person may be."

Sidestepping as many puddles as he could, he would keep his sneering down to a minimum at them. Did anyone know how hard it was to get mud out of white boots? No one understood just how hard life could be for him. He flipped his hair over his shoulder as he lamented about this to himself, looking up as he noticed what he hoped was the cafe that they would be going to. "What are you thinking of having?"


fukuchou August 5 2011, 03:22:10 UTC
"Ohoh, a backhanded statement." He said, eyes growing narrow and sharp, making the little grin on his lips seem a bit more impish than it had. "I'm wounded."

Clovis could play at manners the same way Alice played at having tea parties, but the end of the day, it was still just that: a game. He had good sportsmanship for the game though, thus far, so far be it for Souji to feel actually insulted. Calling him on it, though, was fair game, no~?

"Do you promise dates to many people, or just undesirables specifically?" Joked, following his eyes to the ground where they seemed to latch and hold onto any promise of mud, and then avoid it accordingly.

Well, as he had given his word, and a samurai was nothing if his word was false... with ease of movement, he bent slightly, and without first taking his consent, he went to pick up the slender man in bridal style. To be honest, he wasn't much bigger than Chizuru-chan~ While he wouldn't be able to hold him for long in his condition (a condition he would do his utmost to absolutely smother and hide for the duration of the outing), he could at least make it to the cafe.

The very public cafe. All the better to tease him with later.

Walking normally, expression not changing, as if nothing had happened, he replied simply, "I'll let you order for me. I'm not accustomed to dates, or to your culture for them; I'm sure you can make the appropriate choice of what to eat for us both. So long as it includes dessert, of course."

To Souji, it wouldn't matter. He couldn't taste it, anyway.


failedprince August 5 2011, 22:38:06 UTC
"Hmph." A snort out of his nose which caused his hand to rise up to cover his face. That was not a dignified sound that he should be making. "I'm sorry. I have no idea where it came from."

Clovis tipped his head back so that he could give a snide comment that the only undesirable person that he had made promises lately was the one to his side, but that hardly means that he should dismiss any such promise. However, he was unable to do so as he was suddenly lifted up into the air and now being carried. His face more or less became locked into the expression that he was going to say something but he couldn't find the words. The image of raising his gloved hands to press against Souji's face and kick until he was let down came but that was equally an undignified thing for him to do. So would screaming. He remained frozen as he tried to think what was less undignified -- causing a fuss or being carried.

Brother... what should I do? He stared down at nothing in particular as he tried to think of what Schneizel would do in this situation. It was what he normally did when he found himself in a position that he was uncertain of, but he realized that his older brother would never be in this sort of predicament. His hands clenched a little bit as he stared at Souji -- contemplating pleading to be put down before they entered the cafe.

"Ah... you're letting me order... aren't you sweet?" His embarrassment had colored his face a bright red as he could only think of answering what was said to him rather than what else that he could do.


fukuchou August 5 2011, 22:48:46 UTC
"No, not really~" He assured. Sweet was not something he'd throw into the word bank used to describe himself. If it were, he'd have probably spared Clovis the display. But where would the fun be in that...? He'd asked to be carried. Dug his own hole, so to speak, and when it filled with water~ he was unwilling to put his boot in it.

So, all the way up to the entrance of the cafe he held onto him. Even over the duration of the short walk, his arms grew more tired than they should from the slight weight. It didn't stop him from giving the hostess a perky grin and announcing, "His Highness and I have a reservation. Under Okita- for two."

That said, he'd finally set Clovis down, proclaiming loudly, "You can walk yourself to the table, right? You don't need a piggy-back ride?"


failedprince August 5 2011, 23:14:30 UTC
His hand came up to cover the side of his face, like that would help to save his dignity. He stared at the hostess but could not do so long enough to see what her expression was. When he was finally set down, the embarrassment he felt was enough to for his head to feel just a little light. How was that possible? Clovis nearly went to sit down on the floor, but as he felt himself sinking, he immediately straightened himself out.

"You actually made a reservation, I'm touched." He was having a little bit of a hard time catching up with the rest of what was going on before he turned to stare at Souji in mild horror. "I did not realize that you enjoyed carrying me so much, but alas, I shall be fine to walk on my own."

His face was still red even as he was trying to save what little bit of pride that he had left. Rolling his shoulders back once more, he let out a huff of breath before following after the hostess.


fukuchou August 5 2011, 23:39:12 UTC
"Wasn't I suppose to? Stop sounding so shocked that I can function like a normal human~" Sending him a sideways look as they started to the table, he had to bite back his own snort of amusement, teasing in an easy manner, "Who said I enjoyed it? You asked me to promise to carry you over puddles, and a samurai keeps his word to those who need help." Brows raising, he added, "Besides, you were heavy."

That said, he'd nonetheless pull Clovis' chair out for him before going to stand beside his own, letting the man of 'higher rank' be seated first.


failedprince August 6 2011, 00:33:59 UTC
"Heavy?" He grumbled at that comment. The prince was not sure if he should be happy or upset that he was told that he was heavy -- if he was considered delicate and thin, he was sure that he would not be too happy about that. "I guess that you will just not have to carry me anymore."

His hands came around the back of his neck as he flipped his hair a little before he sat down. He shook his head a few times, removing what annoyance there was on his shoulders and face. Clovis crossed his legs at the ankles, tucking them back against the chair, and straightened his posture that much more.

"This is a very lovely restaurant." He stated calmly as he rose his hand to rub the heel of his hand against his cheek, wishing for the heat to fade.


fukuchou August 6 2011, 00:49:07 UTC
"Obliged." His arms felt worse for wear then he was care to admit, after that. Clovis' weight not being the issue at all; he barely weighed more then the average girl, Souji would venture to guess. About the same in size and stature, as well.

Taking his own seat after Clovis did, Souji didn't bother with looking over the menu. He'd put upon his guest to do the ordering, and so he only used the surface of the menu to drum his fingers against, musing. A quick glance around confirmed Clovis' statement that the eatery was nice enough. But was 'nice enough' the usual sort of thing people did? He'd no idea.

Genuine curiosity got the best of SOuji after a moment, and he was almost childishly keen to ask, body leaning in towards the table now and eyes lighting up the faintest bit, "Is this the sort of place people in your country usually go, for these kinds of things?" Restaurants, festivals, and the like. It seemed that wooing was the same in every culture; spending money to impress, and finding excuses to speak. "Where would you take someone?"


failedprince August 6 2011, 01:19:26 UTC
Pushing his hair behind one of his ears, it lasted for a short second before it fell out of place. He picked up the menu to see what it would have to eat and drink. This was the first date that he had ever been on -- his eyes rolled up to the ceiling as he wondered if he should actually count this as a real date or not. No, I'm not counting it as a real date.

Looking up over his menu, he blinked at the question once in confusion. Setting down the barrier, he decided to actually think about it. It seemed like it was an honest enough question, and really, he would not say that he didn't know one way or the other. As far as dates went, he would ask Schneizel what it was that he should do and if he should chaperone. Why couldn't his brother not chaperoned this date?

Clovis cleared his throat. "I would probably take someone to Clovisland."


fukuchou August 6 2011, 01:27:38 UTC
Souji's nose wrinkled and his brow was quick to follow. When he laughed at that-- and it was inevitable that he had to laugh at that-- it was at least one of his more cheerful ones, warm almost. He did like to have a good time, and if they were now stuck in one place in one another's company for the duration of an entire meal, he was determined to enjoy himself. It would only be at Clovis' expense when he said something ridiculous; 'Clovisland' was the most ridiculous bit he could have thought up.

"Clovisland, huh? Did you name that after yourself, or were you named for it?"


failedprince August 6 2011, 01:41:05 UTC
He straightened his posture a little as he did not understand what was so funny. Still, the laugh did not sound as though it was mocking so he supposed that it was all right. Folding his hands on top of the menu, he stared at Souji -- after all, when one is having a conversation, they should focus completely on who they are talking to, right? It was what manners dictated.

"I named it after myself." Another blink. "I saw no reason not to... I designed the amusement park all on my own, after all."


fukuchou August 6 2011, 01:48:07 UTC
"While that's impressive that you put your work into it, don't you think it's too selfish for a date?" Smiling halfway, he cocked his head to the side, leaning back in his chair. He'd watched Kondou-san woo women before, and has seen how Hijikata was with Chizuru. Their relationships seemed to focus on selflessness... after all, wasn't that the reason people bought one another things, wrote one another poetry? To give parts of themselves up, for the better of someone else. Heh~ it was the reason why, at home, he couldn't do such things. He'd promised Kondou-san to devote himself entirely to work. This was the first time where he was free of the concept, and was able to look at what regular people did~

Clovis, though, was by no means 'regular'. In fact, the polar opposite; he was a little absurd! Hah.

"I thought the point of a date is to please the person you asked on it. Taking them somewhere that embodies you isn't taking into account their tastes." Leaning forward more, he stared the other man down lightly, still in good humor. "Have you really taken women with you-- or men-- to Clovisland? No wonder you're still single!"


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