(no subject)

Jul 20, 2011 23:52

Who: Clovis and Souji
Where: Roving around Som!
What: The date that isn't a date; head hurt yet?
Style: Third (but feel free to switch it up.)
Status: Closed

Saying it was a curious little predicament would probably be an understatement. That Souji had never been on a date before in his life, and didn't flatter anyone enough to think that they could force him to change his position on that didn't change the fact that he was currently standing outside the home of his lady-friend right now, waiting to carry her off into the sunset.

Except of course that,
1. Clovis was no lady. The hair and the affinity for sewing might say otherwise; but genetics claimed he was male.
2. Souji wasn't going to be carrying anyone. If anything, he was expecting an awkward, huffy sort of walk from the pompous prince, staying as far away from him as civility would allow.
3. Third, and most important of course; they disliked each other. On principle, if on nothing else.

The irony of the situation was actually what made Souji almost amused at what he'd willingly gotten himself into. A crude, insulting foreigner who hated the Japanese; and himself, a Japanese police solider, who fought to keep the foreign invasion at bay, maybe equally guilty of racism at times.

For all of his balking against the red and blond menaces from Europe, Souji had developed a sort of fondness of Clovis; in the way that a child grows fond of poking a cat's tummy, only to watch it claw in return. Stung sometimes, but mostly harmless and charming. That was Clovis.

As a gesture of goodwill, Souji had come dressed in European-style clothing; he was used to that much by now, anyway. As less of a gesture of goodwill, and more just to be an imp; rather than call Clovis to let him know he'd arrived, he began to pelt at a window with small stones, lazily.

Hopefully, it was the right window.

clovis la britannia, souji okita (hakouki)

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