Public Broadcast || DreamTech Analyst

Jul 20, 2011 19:01

Caller-ID: DreamTech Analyst Ryan Tassit

[have a rather irritated and unfamiliar bespectacled young man looking at your screen.]

After all these days, weeks, months, years-and this is how much Dream Energy you people came up with? It's a miracle the barrier is still up! Even that still has that huge, gaping hole in it. Haven't those ( Read more... )

shouichi irie, franziska von karma, leo, maka albarn, touya, ariadne, sephiroth, *npc, mamoru chiba, allen walker, sam manson, !moon: cycle 75, ken hidaka

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furorimperator July 21 2011, 00:40:21 UTC
Dreams are not exactly under our conscious control.

[Someone's suspicious as hell.]


somghostnpc July 21 2011, 00:41:43 UTC
Hah, that's what you think. You have more control over your dreams in Somarium than you probably would back in your universe.

It's just that no one has told you about it. Until now, anyway. Congratulations, now you know.


furorimperator July 21 2011, 00:42:55 UTC
Then if it's that important, enlighten me as to the process.

[Man needs to know, seriously.]


somghostnpc July 21 2011, 00:49:47 UTC
[shrug.] It's not important, which is why no one bothered to tell you.

Just think of what you want to dream about. Of course it's not a 100% success. Dreams are still dreams. It takes years of training to really get it down perfect. But it can be useful.


Let me guess-you don't want people seeing certain dreams. Usually the case.


furorimperator July 21 2011, 00:51:08 UTC
No. I don't want them exposed to certain dreams. In my specific case, dreams can be...deadly.

[Read in between the lines, if you can.]


[ PRIVATE || UNHACKABLE ] somghostnpc July 21 2011, 00:56:12 UTC

[frowning. as he switches the securities. the screen flashes for a moment and Sephiroth will experience this odd sensation that he's suddenly in something similar to an interrogation room. except nothing around him has changed.]

How deadly are we talking about?


[ PRIVATE || UNHACKABLE ] furorimperator July 21 2011, 00:59:04 UTC
[The surroundings doing little to ease suspicion, ShinRa's General does his level-best to keep his temper.]

Parasitically deadly.

[What, you guys weren't watching his "mother" manifest herself from his mind and attempt to take over? Shame, that.]


[ PRIVATE || UNHACKABLE ] somghostnpc July 21 2011, 01:06:34 UTC
That's beautiful. Simply. Beautiful. [very dry and irritated.]

All right, you. Last thing we need is someone like that around. We have enough problems as it is. Look, I know we don't have a cure for it and I don't have to tell you to not tell anyone about it.

[runs a hand over his face.]

Controlling what you dream isn't some big secret. Before you go to sleep, just concentrate on something else. Anything. The last thing you ate, doesn't matter. Hopefully, if done right, that will be your exact dream. Yeah, you can dream of your whole day and it can be projected.

Like I said, this takes years to perfect, but even a street bumpkin can do it if they tried hard enough. But you look like a tough guy.


[ PRIVATE || UNHACKABLE ] furorimperator July 21 2011, 01:12:35 UTC
[Just as dry and irritated:] I don't recall signing on for this trip, you know.

[An annoyed sigh; gods, but you people fail something awful, compared to his standard of organization.] Medication has suffused it for now, but what's available is starting to lose its potency. However, in the efforts of keeping my people safe, worry not that I will do what I must to keep it under control.

As for the other...we'll see how it works. If at all.


[ PRIVATE || UNHACKABLE ] somghostnpc July 21 2011, 01:16:29 UTC
Hey, it's not like we asked you to show up either.

Just do what you have to do to not let that get out of control. If you guys can figure out a solution, great. Less work we have to do, and we're already splitting our resources as it is.


[ PRIVATE || UNHACKABLE ] furorimperator July 21 2011, 01:21:53 UTC
Regardless, there is someone to be held accountable for these impromptu "vacations".

And as I said: I will do what I must.

[New segue.]

What is happening in the Industrial District? [Sephiroth's eyes narrow.] And before you climb on that "need to know" high-horse, I need to know. Because it's not any of you here doing the bleeding or suffering the terror of those damned creatures.

If we're to educate the citizens, I need information, not just platitudes and nonsensical mouthings.


somghostnpc July 21 2011, 01:30:39 UTC
[and now that that's over, he's removing the security. he looks a little strained from it, or maybe just tired because of all the problems piling up.]

Hate to burst your bubble, but no. There is no someone bringing you here or taking you out. If you want to try and blame the people who are actually trying to fix it, than by all means go ahead. I'm sure that would make them so happy to work faster on it.

[but moving on.]

You know, I would be really happy to answer your question-and I mean it this time. But all I can say is that there is basically a riot going on in there. So this is more to keep you foreigners safe rather than some giant secret cover-up that I'm sure everyone is assuming.


furorimperator July 21 2011, 19:41:40 UTC
What sort of riot? Where are those creatures originating from?


somghostnpc July 21 2011, 21:05:36 UTC
It's not a peaceful protest I can tell you that. And as for creatures, I'm assuming you mean the nycteren?


furorimperator July 21 2011, 21:13:38 UTC
Obviously. I nearly lost a subordinate there. And that's no small feat, for one of his caliber.

Is that their classification?


somghostnpc July 21 2011, 21:20:14 UTC
Just stay out of the district and you won't have to worry about losing another.

Yeah, they're called nyteren. Just treat them like any feral animal and kill them. They have these purple crystals somewhere on their body, usually the head. That's their weakest point, so destroy that and bye bye nycteren. Downside is you'll have a brief nightmare flash.


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