Madam Red | Her life just sucks.

Jul 18, 2011 00:32

Who: Madam Red, and whoever wants to say hello.
Where: Cramped in a random broom closet in somarium
Style: Either or.
Status: Open!

[As if things couldn't possibly get any worse.

Not only had the sounds of the roaring chainsaw echo through the woman's mind, but now everything was dark. What a cruel prank. Allowing someone to hear their own breath after ( Read more... )

madam red, !location: somni, grell sutcliff, finnian, !location: espoir

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chainsawofdeath July 19 2011, 03:46:55 UTC
[Grell enjoys his life in Somarium, for the most part. There are no higher-ups (like William) to keep him in check, there aren't too many women with skewed priorities (like Angelina), and he gets to see the love of his life (Sebastian) almost every day! Unfortunately, due to that nasty Phantomhive child, the Death God has to live by himself in his beautiful red manor in Somni. There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't wish he could live under the same roof as his Sebby... but alas! This truly is a hard life at times ( ... )


suchlovelyred July 19 2011, 04:18:45 UTC
[A Death God? Angelina quieted the noise for a moment. Just for a moment. If it was who she thought it was she would make her presence known. Grell, of all people would know how skilled she was in doing such. Doing so in such a small space was going to be rather difficult this time, however. It certainly didn't help she couldn't see an inch in front of her face.

Running her gloved hands over the shelves in the closet, her elbow knocked over an umbrella. The Madam hesitated for a moment. That poor excuse for a butler was the last person she wanted to run into, but she couldn't possibly stay locked in that God awful closet. Besides, there was still that off chance that there was another flamboyant and rude Death God.

Have it your way then!

[She began kicking the door ruthlessly, knocking over everything on the shelves and beating on the walls with various objects. Not necessarily behavior of a lady, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Finally, she had enough. Angelina let out a shrill cry that every bratty Noble woman ( ... )


chainsawofdeath July 19 2011, 05:04:42 UTC
[Grell jumps at the shrill cry, almost spilling the small red bottle of nail polish. At this point, he'd had enough... and had also located where the incessant carrying-on was coming from.

With a loud huff, he stomps across the room to the broom closet located roughly halfway between the sitting room and the kitchen.]

You haven't changed a bit, have you?!

[His voice is a near screech as he flings the door to the closet open. He takes a step back so she doesn't fall on him, a hand resting comfortably on each hip.]


suchlovelyred July 19 2011, 05:21:17 UTC
[Smirking, she clasps her hands together and steps outside of the closet, letting out a sigh of relief.]

Not in the least. I would think you would be used to it by now, Grell. What made you think it was okay to keep me locked in that closet, hm?

[Ruby hues narrowed into a glare. She was in no shape to attack him. Yet. The evidence of their very last encounter was all over her white blouse.]


chainsawofdeath July 19 2011, 06:33:56 UTC
Angelina, please!!! Don't flatter yourself~ ♥ If I were to lock you anywhere, it would be somewhere much worse than a closet!!

[Grell huffs loudly and falls back into his plush red chair, folding his arms across his chest and crossing his legs. He didn't need this. This sort of situation would put worry lines on his face and that is something that makeup cannot hide!]

Really, sweetheart, the nerve of you just showing up, unannounced in my utility closet like that! Rude!!


suchlovelyred July 19 2011, 08:13:24 UTC
So cruel, my dear Grell. Such words should never become of a lady.

[Her upper lip curled in disgust. You could cut the tension in the room with a knife, however, she kept her composure for now. Annoying him was far too entertaining to pass up.]

You honestly don't think I would have chosen to end up in a closet do you? Especially your closet. I know you are quite delusional at times, but you know better than that. If a Madam must emerge from a closet, the closet must be as dazzling as she. Nothing you have in there, or anywhere for that matter, could meet such standards.

[Moving to the kitchen, she rummages through his cabinets for tea cups. She will just make herself at home for the moment. Normally Madam would ask her Butler to make her tea, but she was afraid whatever he put in it would result in her second demise.]


chainsawofdeath July 20 2011, 03:26:17 UTC
That dirty closet suits you quite well, then, for an ordinary woman doesn't deserve a dazzling entrance!! Look at yourself!! You don't even deserve to be wearing that beautiful color!!!

[A dramatic sigh]

Why did you have to appear in my home of all places in Somarium?!


suchlovelyred July 20 2011, 04:22:31 UTC
Somarium? What kind of place is th--

Oh, nevermind. You are far too incompetent to give me an accurate answer.


Well, if it's so fitting for me, I'll make myself at home in there. A bit cramped, but I could certainly make it rather homey. I could even make room if you like, seeing as you're not a real woman at all.


chainsawofdeath July 20 2011, 04:36:43 UTC
[His green eyes light up with rage as he jumps to his feet, high heels clicking on the floor as he makes his way to the woman on the other side of the room.]

Angelina, my darling~ [A laugh] You're as beautiful as ever, you know that? Such lovely hair, such lovely eyes... ♥

[Grell looks down at her with a grin on his face, sharp teeth visible out from under his light red lips. After a moment, he tips her chin up so their eyes meet.]

Don't test me, sweetheart. I killed you once and I won't hesitate to do it again~


suchlovelyred July 20 2011, 05:08:17 UTC
[With that, the cruel reality of it all swept over her. Sh was completely defenseless in such a state. He was a Death God after all. As stubborn as ever, she jerked away from his grasp, turning on her heels to set the cups on the counter.]

This is by far the last place I would ever want to find myself. I find it a cruel joke that it happened this way.

[Not used to such disrespect, the woman seemed almost saddened by it, a small part of her missing his mannerisms as a butler, though as clumsy and foolish as they were.]

If you answer my questions, I will leave.


chainsawofdeath July 20 2011, 05:22:16 UTC
Ah ha! But I thought I was too incompetent to answer your questions!! That's what you said, right Madame~?!

[A sharp laugh at her sudden change in demeanor, the crazy easily noticeable in his eyes. He dismissively waves his hand, walking back (with a swish of his hips) to the plush red chair he had been seated in.]

Take a seat and make yourself comfortable! I'll be happy to answer your questions if I can!!!


suchlovelyred July 20 2011, 05:41:07 UTC
[A single red eye narrowed in annoyance at such obnoxious, loud laughter. (That was her thing!) The woman neglected to put the cups back in the cabinets, and made her way over to a chair across from Grell, settling herself down.]

How kind of you.

[Taking a moment, she quite conveniently ignored his mockery, eyes falling closed as she tugged at her gloves a bit.]

You had mentioned this place being called Somarium... The last time I checked, I was most certainly dead, no thanks to you, so what is Somarium exactly?


chainsawofdeath July 21 2011, 02:51:55 UTC
[He returns her remark with a cheeky grin, never letting his eyes drift too far from her face. With a dramatic sigh, he flips some hair over his shoulder before folding his arms across his chest.]

I doubt you'd believe me even if I did tell you the truth!!! It was hard for me to believe when I first woke up here~! Oh, Madame, it was awful!! I was bleeding and had bruises on my face!!!

[He pauses, thinking for a moment. It's easy to get off track when you are one of your favorite subjects...]

But, Somarium, let's see... It's a dream world, darling~ People can arrive from any point in their life, even after death... ♥


I FINALLY GOT TO YOUR TAG D; <3 suchlovelyred August 7 2011, 19:42:01 UTC
You poor thing~

[Her retort reaked of sarcasm and annoyance. How dare he complain about bruises when she had a gaping slash in her chest, and was probably rotting in a grave somewhere if she hadn't ended up here!]

A dream world?

[She pondered this for a moment, letting out a sigh. More like Nightmare land. She would never want to dream about seeing him again. He was right, though. She was rather skeptical of this information, but would play along for the time being.]

How intriguing~! If you are here, and I am here... Has anyone else arrived here that we would know?


<333 chainsawofdeath August 9 2011, 03:37:11 UTC
[He has been around her long enough and knows her mannerisms well enough to pick up on the fact that she doesn't believe a single word he just said.]

Sweetheart, I'm telling the truth... Whether you want to believe me or not is up to you.

[The Death God frowns, his lip curling to reveal his shark-like teeth.]

That nasty little nephew of yours and his beautiful butler are here~ ♥


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