Madam Red | Her life just sucks.

Jul 18, 2011 00:32

Who: Madam Red, and whoever wants to say hello.
Where: Cramped in a random broom closet in somarium
Style: Either or.
Status: Open!

[As if things couldn't possibly get any worse.

Not only had the sounds of the roaring chainsaw echo through the woman's mind, but now everything was dark. What a cruel prank. Allowing someone to hear their own breath after ( Read more... )

madam red, !location: somni, grell sutcliff, finnian, !location: espoir

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Comments 52

lilcharmedwitch July 18 2011, 05:00:23 UTC
[Gwendolen relaxed on her couch, enjoing her book. Finally satisfied at the reestablishment of her quarters. It was then that she heard the shouts coming from the closet. Frowning and went to investigate, she was highly surpised to see the redhaired woman in there]
What in the world_!


suchlovelyred July 18 2011, 05:06:36 UTC
[The woman came tumbling out, an avalanche of cleaning supplies following her. Disheveled and panicked, she began inching back up against the wall like a scared kitten.]

W- who are you?!

[Of course that is a way of saying thank you while in shock.]


lilcharmedwitch July 18 2011, 05:19:53 UTC
[The young girl frowns and stares at the woman.]
I am Gwendolen Chant! Just who are you?


suchlovelyred July 18 2011, 05:51:47 UTC
[Eyes widening a bit, her expression softens.]

Ah. I am Angelina Durless. You may call me Madam Red.

[Slowly rising to her feet.]

My deepest apologies. You startled me, is all~


wantrobotgarden July 18 2011, 06:33:06 UTC
[Finnian yawned slightly, finishing his job for the day since the garden was still slightly in disarray. Although the moment he passed by a closet and sudden sounds, he jumps before slowly but surely reaching out to the door handle, before pulling it open. Although he opened it, he had used to much force and in the end pulled it from the hinges.]

Uh oh.

[Staring at the door in his hands he slowly went to see what the problem was, thinking that maybe rats were in there or something, but when he saw otherwise he was slightly surprised and had no words to say for what he was seeing.]


suchlovelyred July 18 2011, 23:56:23 UTC
[Madam Red jumped back, pressing her back to the closet wall, and letting out a shriek as the door was ripped clear off its hinges. She had certainly been through a lot, what with dying and all, so she was a bit jumpy to say the least.]

[To think she was about to shout at whoever it was. Ready to attack even, but a soft, yet quivering sigh of whatever relief she could be feeling at the moment escaped her lips.]

I- I know you.

[Her ruby hues glazed over. Was he dead too? Angelina had never been so happy to see a mere servant before. Especially one that was as clumsy as him. Staggering out of the closet, a gloved hand reached up to close the ruffled fabric on her bloodstained white blouse.]


wantrobotgarden July 19 2011, 12:14:35 UTC
[Finnian was still standing there as quiet as anything, still surprised. Was it really her, but she was dead, right? Or maybe... she was a ghost. At this thought he stepped back slightly, dropping the door to the floor and causing it to break slightly upon impact.]

Lady Durless!

[The last person he was expecting to ever see here, in a closet for some reason to, which confused him slightly.]

You're here to?


suchlovelyred July 20 2011, 05:15:04 UTC
[Angelina winced as the door came crashing to the ground, a slight hint of annoyance in the woman's eyes. Despite his incompetence, she was not about to waste time, lecturing someone about their clumsiness. Not yet, anyway.]

Yes. Where are we exactly~?


onceaboss July 18 2011, 13:08:00 UTC
[ Giotto blinked in confusion hearing a fuss being raised from one of the closets in his house. Going over to the door, with pen and notebook in hand he opens it to see who's inside. ]


suchlovelyred July 18 2011, 23:59:48 UTC
[The woman darted out the door. It would seem she had been planning to ram into it, getting a running start. His perfect timing caught her by surprise, skidding on her heels to come to a halt.]

W- what on Earth...? That was easier than it should have been...


Sorry about the delay for this. onceaboss July 21 2011, 12:24:26 UTC
[ Giotto was obviously surprised when a woman ran out of his closet. Taking a moment he wrote down a message on his notepad before politely tapping the woman on the shoulder and showing her. ]

I'm going to guess you don't know why you were in my closet.


It's okay, mine are pretty late too. X.x suchlovelyred August 5 2011, 04:36:22 UTC
[The woman flailed her arms, scared out of her whits from the tap on her shoulder. Whipping around, ready to fend off any evil kidnappers, she quickly stopped, seeing that she had a note.]

Not in the slightest! Do you not know?


smokinfighter July 19 2011, 01:00:59 UTC
[Soubi leans against the door]

Oh, It is funny from out here. Tell me, did Kio put you in there?


suchlovelyred July 19 2011, 01:59:16 UTC
[Madam Red slams her fist against the door, letting out a rather impatient snarl.]

I haven't the slightest idea who this Kio fellow is, but if they are the culprit, I will see to it that they suffer greatly!


smokinfighter July 19 2011, 02:08:44 UTC
[well, that was odd. He didn't think Kio Would drug someone. He opens the door for her]

He's an idiot, but not a fool. Who are you?


suchlovelyred July 19 2011, 02:33:58 UTC
[Holding the tear in her shirt to keep the last bit of modesty the poor woman had left, she stepped out, ruby hues peering from beneath her red hat.]

I am Lady Angelina Durless, but Madam Red is also acceptable.


chainsawofdeath July 19 2011, 03:46:55 UTC
[Grell enjoys his life in Somarium, for the most part. There are no higher-ups (like William) to keep him in check, there aren't too many women with skewed priorities (like Angelina), and he gets to see the love of his life (Sebastian) almost every day! Unfortunately, due to that nasty Phantomhive child, the Death God has to live by himself in his beautiful red manor in Somni. There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't wish he could live under the same roof as his Sebby... but alas! This truly is a hard life at times ( ... )


suchlovelyred July 19 2011, 04:18:45 UTC
[A Death God? Angelina quieted the noise for a moment. Just for a moment. If it was who she thought it was she would make her presence known. Grell, of all people would know how skilled she was in doing such. Doing so in such a small space was going to be rather difficult this time, however. It certainly didn't help she couldn't see an inch in front of her face.

Running her gloved hands over the shelves in the closet, her elbow knocked over an umbrella. The Madam hesitated for a moment. That poor excuse for a butler was the last person she wanted to run into, but she couldn't possibly stay locked in that God awful closet. Besides, there was still that off chance that there was another flamboyant and rude Death God.

Have it your way then!

[She began kicking the door ruthlessly, knocking over everything on the shelves and beating on the walls with various objects. Not necessarily behavior of a lady, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Finally, she had enough. Angelina let out a shrill cry that every bratty Noble woman ( ... )


chainsawofdeath July 19 2011, 05:04:42 UTC
[Grell jumps at the shrill cry, almost spilling the small red bottle of nail polish. At this point, he'd had enough... and had also located where the incessant carrying-on was coming from.

With a loud huff, he stomps across the room to the broom closet located roughly halfway between the sitting room and the kitchen.]

You haven't changed a bit, have you?!

[His voice is a near screech as he flings the door to the closet open. He takes a step back so she doesn't fall on him, a hand resting comfortably on each hip.]


suchlovelyred July 19 2011, 05:21:17 UTC
[Smirking, she clasps her hands together and steps outside of the closet, letting out a sigh of relief.]

Not in the least. I would think you would be used to it by now, Grell. What made you think it was okay to keep me locked in that closet, hm?

[Ruby hues narrowed into a glare. She was in no shape to attack him. Yet. The evidence of their very last encounter was all over her white blouse.]


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