Ragna=the=Bloodedge - 001

Jul 05, 2011 19:04

Who: Ragna the Bloodedge and anyone else!
Where: Espoir
Style: Starting in third, but either is fine!
Status: Open!

The last thing he remembered was going to the Headquarters of the NOL. After a fight with and a lecture from a certain vampire, he continued on his way to eliminate his arch nemesis once and for all. That's what Ragna the Bloodedge remembered last. However, this was definitely not the NOL. He had no clue where this was. It... didn't even look like Kagutsuchi to him. What in the...?

What Ragna saw was not his intended destination, but an unfamiliar village that appeared to be in ruin for one reason or another. And last time he checked, there was no villages between the vast garden he fought Rachel in and the path to the NOL branch. How is this possible? All the damn hierarchical cities looked almost exactly the same and he's been to enough of them to know the general structure, he couldn't have gotten lost. And there's no way that a village like this would even be so high up in one of the cities. Several questions began to build in his mind, but one stood out among the rest and tied them all together in a general sense.

"Just what the hell's going on here?"

There are several possibilities of how he got here. He could have somehow strayed from his original path, or this could be some kind of joke set up by the rabbit to piss him off or something. And since he's not one to get lost often, he's leaning toward the latter idea, which just irritates him even more on top of the irritation from having no clue of what's going on. The annoyed scowl that is his default expression remains, deepens if anything, as he looks out toward the ruined village.

He doesn't like this one bit... He's slightly curious as to just what the hell happened here, as the damage seems fairly recent, but not really. His concern of just how he got here in the first place takes precedence.

Standing here wondering where he is isn't gonna make him find out any time soon. He might be able to get just some information as to where he is if he looks around a little. He'd rather not have to approach anyone, so he'll figure something out himself. Ragna didn't have time to waste here. He has something to do. He's going to make that bastard pay for everything he did. So with that, he proceeds into the village, in an attempt to shed some light on this situation.

ragna, noel vermillion, !location: espoir, lambda-11, jin kisaragi

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