kratos ✗ 001

Jul 05, 2011 17:49

Characters: Kratos and you
Where: Somni
Style: your choice!
Status: oh so very open

[ This was strange.

He had been with the others, with Lloyd and Colette, and Genis, and Raine and Sheena ... in the Inn, but he had been outside watching Noishe that night, considering he couldn't exactly get inside. Tomorrow they'd fly off to the Tower of Salvation, Colette would be handed over, and hopefully Mithos would find his answer. Colette would be accepted as a vessel and -

This was certainly not anywhere near there.

He had inspected the Dreamberry curiously, but kept it off for the majority of the time, not wanting to accidentally broadcast anything. Instead, he opted to investigate his surroundings - what a desolate place, full of devastation from some sort of event.

Which brought him to a particularly bad area of Somni. ] Unbelievable...

[CATCH the purple-clad mercenary off guard?]

mithos yggdrasill, kallen kouzuki, kratos aurion, lloyd irving, emil castagnier, colette brunel, c.c.

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