Wrath 021 - Mud

Jul 02, 2011 22:23

Who: Wrath and: criminals, anyone who won't turn him in
Where: Espoir --> Everywhere
Style: Any
Status: Closed save for characters indicated above.

Odd that his forced friend Jesus had fallen asleep soon after his apartment was damaged. To no great chagrin, Wrath let him sleep and began to wander again rather than mend a thoroughly-destroyed apartment.

The deluge had sunk the ground and turned it to mud. He had watched from higher ground as buildings were uprooted, destroyed, their concrete, wooden, stone hulks powerless against the chaotic torrent. The humans had sought other shelters, more compact than their former abodes. These smaller domiciles were closer to the earth, to the mud.

The mud. He bent down on a knee and felt the mud with his hand, his palm squishing down into the earth and getting covered with it. He angled his head in amused reflection, a devilish gleam lighting up his eyes. Without further delay he dug up the mud, and covered himself in heaps of liquid dirt, soaking his coat and his flesh underneath it, turning himself brown. The mud obscured his features completely. An unusual disguise, but he was no stranger to concealment. If anyone would encounter him they would see an unrecognizable human-shaped being squashing about wetly around the tents and drenched remains of houses facing rot and mold.


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