Raven ⊗ 018

Feb 01, 2009 00:47

Who: Raven and anyone still at the tavern PLUS those around it
Where: Altosk Tavern (Espoir)
Style: Whichever
Status: Open like whoa. (again ( Read more... )

!location: the tavern, !event: noctaere, raven, treize khushrenada

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undistracted February 1 2009, 07:19:15 UTC
Treize walked through the streets of the village at a brisk yet unhurried pace, his sword at his side. It was a quaint little place, he thought, very Old European. Or at least, he suspected that would be the case were it light out.

He hadn't seen any of the creatures that the young man had warned him about, though he had heard things that made him inclined to not doubt the boy's sincerity. Still, that didn't mean he had to run like a coward. If any of them attacked them, well, Treize would face them like a warrior.

He was, after all, already dead. What was the worst that could happen?

Treize glimpsed a flicker of light through the other buildings - that must have been the tavern - and made his way to the structure, rapping on the door smartly with white-gloved knuckles once he'd reached it.


notjustanoldman February 1 2009, 07:21:36 UTC
Raven heard the knock and froze. Were those creatures really that polite?

"We don't want any!" he yelled.

Maybe it would go away?

Belatedly he thought maybe he should have just kept his yap shut so it could have gone away.

And no, Raven was still too focused on the fact that there those creatures still outside to even think of the possibility of a person to be there.


undistracted February 1 2009, 07:24:38 UTC
Treize stood still, almost amused at the voice he'd heard from inside. "Is that so? I'd been told that this was a safe-house meant for people to congregate." And learn more about this strange place, he added silently. "Was that mistaken?"


notjustanoldman February 1 2009, 07:33:50 UTC
Raven blinked.


He slowly opened the door just a smidgen and looked...and well whaddaya know.

"Sorry pal," Raven said as he opened the door, looking past the man. It didn't seem like the creature was there but... "Come on in. And the faster the better. Seems like our troubles have increased ten-fold."


undistracted February 1 2009, 07:38:45 UTC
"Quite all right," Treize said, walking into the (rather crowded) tavern past him. "Increased ten-fold? Perhaps this wasn't the luckiest time to arrive then."


notjustanoldman February 1 2009, 07:40:17 UTC
Raven chanced another look outside, seeing if there were any others around before closing the door tightly behind him.

Like it would really help.

"Not really, we've been kind of been goin' through some real trouble for a while now, and it looks like we might have some company."


undistracted February 1 2009, 07:45:37 UTC
"Indeed." Treize held up the Dreamberry. "I've already been informed by a young man over this device that there are beasts infesting the area. I didn't encounter any on my way over here, but... that doesn't mean they aren't out there."

He looked over his shoulder at Raven. "Best to ride out the storm in numbers, of course."


notjustanoldman February 1 2009, 07:53:42 UTC
"We literally were, actually," Raven sighed before scratching the back of his head.

"What all do you know?"


undistracted February 1 2009, 09:34:43 UTC
"I've only just arrived," Treize said disarmingly. "I'd be more than appreciative if you could fill me in."


notjustanoldman February 1 2009, 10:01:23 UTC
Well Raven usually was the one with the information. He took another glance out the window before turning back to the newcomer.

"First off, I'm Raven, owner of this fine establishment," he said with a somewhat weary wave of his arm. "Secondly, if you didn't already know, you're in Somarium, a dream world of sorts. Before ya got here, there was an earthquake followed by this freak storm that never ended. It only just recently stopped, maybe for a few hours."

He sighed. "Now it seems that these creatures that I've only seen once before have come back. And they're not nice."


undistracted February 1 2009, 10:16:42 UTC
Treize paused for a second, letting the information sink in. It was hard to believe, but... well, his other choice was believing that it was an afterlife, considering his most recent memories. The entire time, though, his pleasant, disarming demeanor never wavered.

"I see. Well, master Raven, it's a pleasure to meet you - and to visit your establishment." He considered asking for a drink, but decided that such things could wait. "A 'dream world,' then? The young man with whom I spoke mentioned that sorcery was real in his world - and here as well. Am I to understand then that this lies well within the realm of the 'fantastic,' so to speak?"

Treize looked out the window, still seeing nothing. "Trading one hardship for another can be truly wearying. Perhaps we can outlast these beasts as well."


notjustanoldman February 1 2009, 10:33:40 UTC
"S'pose ya could say that," Raven said that after a thought. "'Magic', or rather magic artes, are real in my world, though it involves programming formulas and the alteration of aer. But that's a bit complex and that's neither here nor there for the moment. But yeah, there's a kind of magic that's in this world, along with the rest of other people who can use it from their own worlds."

Raven let out another sigh. "Hopefully. Last time we barely made it, and it wasn't even real."


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