Raven ⊗ 018

Feb 01, 2009 00:47

Who: Raven and anyone still at the tavern PLUS those around it
Where: Altosk Tavern (Espoir)
Style: Whichever
Status: Open like whoa. (again)

Raven had been wondering ever since the rain had stopped if that maybe he should try and check on the others. He still hadn't heard from his crew, and though he knew they could take care of themselves...well he was still worried. And old man can worry about his kids, can't he?

So he went outside, to check to see what other damage there might have been not only around the place, but also to the building itself.

As he stepped out onto the road, he really couldn't shake off the feeling that he was being...watched. He rubbed his arms a bit, looking around warily, wondering if it was maybe due to sleep deprivation (he only had brief naps) or just general weariness.

It wasn't until he looked up toward one of the roofs of one of the few remaining cottages that was mostly intact that his eyes widened.

"Oh shi--" Raven cursed under his breath as he quickly whipped out his bow, just in time to deflect the strange black creature that had suddenly lunged at him.

Quickly he scrambled back, firing a few arrows at the noctaere, the creature jumping back and hissing as he reentered the tavern, slamming the door behind him.

"Uh. I wouldn't go out there if I were you."

Though I wouldn't know if this is any safer.

!location: the tavern, !event: noctaere, raven, treize khushrenada

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