Jaina / Second Tome

Jan 31, 2009 04:14

Who: Jaina Proudmoore, Cornelia li Britannia, Noctaere(? does that count?)
Where: Espoir (by Raven's tavern) -> Somni (the courthouse)
Style: Third
Status: Mostly closed. If you want to join, ask us, but it'll probably be the two of them. (And the Noctaere)

The creatures were still following her, Jaina noticed. Not that she'd have expected differently. )

!location: the tavern, !location: somni, !event: noctaere, !location: courthouse, !location: espoir, jaina proudmoore, cornelia li britannia

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2/2 knightmare_hime January 31 2009, 17:10:18 UTC
[OOC: FFFFF - sorry I could probably post this as my next entry. Let me know if I should delete it.]And then she heard it... something to the right of her, a hissing sound. Wait! But, no - there it was again to the left of her now. Cornelia whirled around, her eyes wide with confusion, though she did feel fear struggling to surface in her determination. Suddenly, she sensed something lunging at her, and her sword was drawn. She had been quick enough, but unfortunately the sight of the thing made her blanch in her efforts to defend herself. A moment later there was a long gash in her shoulder, and she was looking down at it with horror ( ... )


wantedtostudy January 31 2009, 21:57:40 UTC
[OOC: You worry too much, it's fine :P]Jaina was almost there when she heard gunshots - they weren't far off, either. She froze up... was she too late? But no, the shots hadn't come from the direction of Raven's place. Still, if someone was in danger... Jaina bit her lip, turning right at the next corner where she had been about to turn left ( ... )


knightmare_hime February 1 2009, 15:48:47 UTC
By the time she realized the strange blue light was surrounding her, Cornelia had another tear on the other side of her stomach. Although her old wounds were beginning to show sensitivity, and she was feeling weak because of the loss of blood from earlier, Natalia had done an excellent job healing her before ( ... )


wantedtostudy February 2 2009, 03:32:30 UTC
Jaina paused, momentarily taken aback by the other woman's hostility. "I'm Jaina Proudmoore. I'm pretty sure I just saved you." Behind them, the blizzard was gradually dispersing, and it wouldn't be long before the creatures broke free of the ice - so the sorceress turned, another frozen wall appearing in the street behind them.

She turned back to Cornelia, shaking her head. "You're injured. We need to get you to safety." Indeed, the other woman's injuries were a bit more severe than she'd noticed at first.


knightmare_hime February 2 2009, 05:33:31 UTC
Cornelia blinked, mouth opening and then closing. "I...." It closed again and she seemed to be considering something. "I just came from the tavern. I'm going to the courthouse." Her gaze lowered for a moment. "Th-thank you. I... was surprised."

Her eyes slowly lifted to the girl, her skin pale and lips turning purple. She was beginning to feel faint. The woman in front of her suddenly became unfocused for a moment. "He... doesn't know about them... yet," she said, her words coming out a bit incoherent. "Raven." Putting her hand on the woman's shoulder to steady herself, she cursed under her breath. She had lost too much blood that day between the debris falling on her and the monsters that had just attacked.

The sword that was in her hand suddenly transformed into her Dreamberry. She looked at it for a moment before her body nearly collapsed against the other woman.


wantedtostudy February 2 2009, 05:43:45 UTC
Jaina swore mentally - this woman was injured much more severely than she'd realized. The Archmage caught her as she fell, supporting their combined weight on her staff.

Raven? He still didn't know? Jaina had to warn him, but... well, she couldn't get to the tavern. Not with the purple-haired woman in this shape. Her eyes settled on the woman's Dreamberry, which she picked up and tucked into the pockets of her robe.

Behind her, the ice was beginning to crack. Jaina closed her eyes, concentrating, and muttered another word: "Invisibility." Suddenly, the colors of the world around them faded to a dark, monotone gray, and if one looked around them for too long, they'd notice that everything seemed to be 'swimming,' as if they were looking at the world from an underwater lens ( ... )


knightmare_hime February 2 2009, 05:58:12 UTC
Cornelia allowed herself to be led away. She was having a difficult time concentrating on the world around her as things were becoming blurry and fading in and out every so often. A trail of blood was left behind them while she leaned on Jaina and slowly walked into the abandoned house ( ... )


wantedtostudy February 2 2009, 06:13:32 UTC
Jaina quickly used Cornelia's Dreamberry to send Raven a message of warning, then turned her attention to the other woman, her eyes scanning her body to look for her wounds. ...of which there were many. Jaina swore again mentally.

"Stay seated for now," she said quietly, crouching down and reaching to tear a long strip of cloth from the bottom of her robe. "You aren't walking anywhere yet, not in your condition." The gash on her thigh and the cut on her stomach looked the most threatening, so Jaina went for the thigh first. "Thank you," she said quietly in response to Cornelia's compliments, "but unfortunately I haven't any aptitude for healing magic." She did have a knowledge of basic first aid, though, and she quickly wrapped the gash in Cornelia's thigh.

She paused for a moment, putting her hands together - there was a soft glow, and suddenly a small pouch appeared in her palms, filled with fresh crystal water conjured from the Twisting Nether. Jaina raised the pouch's opening to the other woman's lips. "Drink this."


knightmare_hime February 2 2009, 06:32:00 UTC
She rested back against the wall as Jaina leaned down and began attending to her wounds. "It seems like you have to know magic to survive in this world," she said as she closed her eyes and swallowed, trying to remove the taste of blood in her mouth.

"Who were you talking to just now?" She asked. One hand moved up to wipe the perspiration on her forehead. Tucking a long strand behind her ear, Cornelia struggled to keep her eyes focused. It would only endanger her life if she passed out.

The Dreamberry in the woman's possession began making noises. Leaning forward, she took the device back and opened it. For a moment, her breath stopped and if there was any blood left in her body, it all moved to her face. Cornelia's eyes grew wide as her lips drew into an angry scowl. Before the accidental video post ended, she was already calling her sister, Euphemia. There was quite a bit of yelling on her end of the conversation before Cornelia hung up ( ... )


wantedtostudy February 2 2009, 06:36:48 UTC
Jaina tore another, longer strip from her robe, moving up to wrap the wound on her stomach. "I was just talking to Raven - I warned him about the creatures." She paused, once she was satisfied with the job. "And I promised him I'd get you safely to the Courthouse."

At Cornelia's sudden flash of anger, Jaina blinked, taken aback - though she quickly moved to put her hand in between the woman's head and the wall. "Easy now! You're in no shape to get worked up like that."

She frowned at the look on Cornelia's face. "Is something the matter?"


knightmare_hime February 2 2009, 06:44:14 UTC
Cornelia couldn't believe her sister. Broadcasting something like that for all of the world to see. Tch... I don't care if it was by accident. Doesn't she have any self respect? She was in public! "No... nothing." Her eyes lowered and she looked at the areas Jaina had attended to, and her gaze showed approval. "I appreciate you taking the time to rescue me and bind my wounds."

One hand pressed against the floor as she began lifting herself up. "I need... to... get going," she said, her voice strained from her efforts.


wantedtostudy February 2 2009, 06:50:02 UTC
Jaina's voice was gentle, if firm, as she put a hand on Cornelia's shoulder and prevented her from getting up. "If I need to, I can freeze you to the floor. You're not going until I know you won't die on me from blood loss halfway there."

The sorceress reached out to put a hand on Cornelia's arm. "I need you to stay conscious, all right? Keep talking - and stay awake." It wouldn't be long now before she could teleport again, though maybe it'd be quicker to just get moving.


knightmare_hime February 2 2009, 06:55:50 UTC
Cornelia recognized the firmness in her voice, and didn't struggle. It wasn't like she could anyhow. The little strength she did have, she was using to fight the fog of dizziness that threatened to render her unconscious.

"I just want to make sure she's alright... though if she's making video posts like that, I dare say my worries should go elsewhere." Her fingers fiddled with the device in her hand. "You know Raven?"


wantedtostudy February 2 2009, 07:01:05 UTC
Jaina conjured another skin of water, this time dipping another shred of her robe into it and leaning forward to dab the blood from Cornelia's forehead, trying to keep her talking. "Video posts like what? If she's at a safe house, I'm sure she's okay."

In the darkness, there was almost a smile on the young Archmage's face. "I do. He was one of the first people I met when I arrived... he's a very kind man." She knelt back down next to Cornelia once she'd cleaned the other woman's face - the shred of her robe was far more red than she'd have liked. "Your name is Cornelia, right? He told me."


knightmare_hime February 2 2009, 07:15:11 UTC
"You mentioned me to him?" A look of panic briefly crossed her eyes, and she swallowed again. My mouth is so dry, she thought, coughing again. This time, less blood assaulted her tongue.

"He's... " She trailed off, her gaze shifting away from Jaina. She was quite for a few moments. "Yes... my name is Cornelia li Britannia."


wantedtostudy February 2 2009, 07:19:02 UTC
At her cough, Jaina quickly leaned in, pressing the skein to Cornelia's lips again, tilting it so that she could drink. "I did. He seemed worried when he found out you were injured."

"It's nice to meet you, Cornelia. I'm Jaina Proudmoore - I thought I'd introduce myself again under a less life-threatening situation."


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